
AI用丗算然 - AUCA - 2014-2015 Academic year

Anthropology Club meetings 2014-2015

13 仄舒, 2015油

礌舒 舒仄仂于舒

舒 亠亞仂亟仆仆亳亶 亟亠仆, 从亞亰从舒 舒亟舒 仂亟仆舒 亳亰 于仂亠弍仂于舒仆仆 亳 仗仂仗仍仆 于亳亟仂于 亳从于舒. 亠仆亳 于 亳仗仂仍仆亠仆亳亳 亳弍亠从舒 舒弍亠从舒, 仄舒舒, 仍亢亳亞亳舒 舒仍从仂于舒, 仍亠从舒, 亞仗仗 仂仆-仂仗, 亳 ミ出笑 仗亠于亳 礌 舒仄仂于仂亶 亰于舒 于 仂弍亠于亠仆仆 仄亠舒, 舒 亳 仗亠仆亳 亳 仄舒仆亠 亳仗仂仍仆亠仆亳 亰舒亳于舒ム 仄仆仂亞亳亠 ミ出粧亳 亳 亟亠于从亳 亞亰舒仆舒, 舒 于仂亰仄仂亢仆仂 亳 丶亠仆舒仍仆仂亶 亰亳亳. 亳 亠仗亠舒亠 亳仄亠ム 从舒从 仆仂于亠 仗亠仆亳, 舒从 亳 仗亠仆亳, 仂亢亟亠仆仆亠 于 亟仂仂于亠从仂亠 亳 仂于亠从仂亠 于亠仄, 亳 从仂仂亠 弍亟亳 仍磪亠舒仄亳 亠 仍亠 亳 亠亞仂亟仆, 仗仂仄仂亞舒仍亳 亳 仗仂仄仂亞舒ム 亠仍仂于亠从 仄亠舒, 亳亰仄亠仆 亢亳亰仆, 仍ミ頴狐 弍亠亰 仂舒从舒, 亟仂磪亳于舒 亟仂 亰于亠亰亟 亳 仆亠弍舒.

丐亟仆仂亳 舒仆仂于仍亠仆亳 亳 仗仂仗仍亳亰舒亳亳 仗亠仆亳 弍仍亳 亳 仂亞亟舒, 仂仆亳 亳仄亠ム 亳 亠亶舒, 于 仂仂弍亠仆仆仂亳 于 于亠从 弍亠仗仂舒亟仆仂亶 从仂仆从亠仆亳亳 于 仂 弍亳亰仆亠亠. 舒从 仗亠 舒从, 仂弍 于仄亠亠 仂弍仂亶 亰舒仗亠仍舒 于 舒仆舒? 舒从仂于 仂舒于仍ム亳亠 仗亠舒 舒亟仆仂亞仂 仗亠于舒, 亳 仆舒从仂仍从仂 舒从仂亠 仗亠亟仍仂亢亠仆亳亠 仂 亟亠仗舒舒 从舒从 仂弍仍仂亢亳 仆舒仍仂亞舒仄亳 亟仂仂亟 舒亳仂于 亳 于亠亟亳 舒亰仍亳仆亠 仄亠仂仗亳亳, .亠. 仆舒亳 仂亳 仗仂于仍亳ム 仆舒 仂仂礌亳亠 亳 舒亰于亳亳亠 从亞亰从仂亶 舒亟 亳 仄亰从亳?

舒 亳 亳 亟亞亳亠 于仂仗仂 仗仂舒舒亠 仂于亠亳, 舒 舒从亢亠 仗仂亟亠仍亳 于仂亳仄 于仂亠于仂仄 ミ出委 仗亠于亳舒 礌舒 舒仄仂于舒. 礌舒 仗仂亠 4 仍亠, 从仂亞亟舒 仄舒仍亠仆从仂亶 亟亠于仂从仂亶 仂仍亳仂于舒仍舒 于 亟亠从仂仄 仂亠 束从-丿仂仂仍舒損. ミ頴笑珂 从 仄亰从亠 亠亶 仗亳于亳仍亳 亠亠 仂亟亳亠仍亳 - 亶亰舒 舒仄仂于, 仂仍亳 亟亢舒亰仂于仂亶 亞仗仗 束舒損 亳 仄舒仄舒 亳亟舒 丐仂从仂仆仂于舒, 从仂仄亰亳从舒 于 仂仍从仍仂仆仂仄 舒仆舒仄弍仍亠 束舒仄弍舒从舒仆損 仆舒亳仂仆舒仍仆仂亶 亳仍舒仄仂仆亳亳. 弌亠亞仂亟仆, 礌舒 仗仂从仂亳仍舒 仆亠 仂仍从仂 亞亰舒仆, 仆仂 亳 仄亳, 舒于 于 于仂亳 15 仍亠 于 舒从仂仄 仗亠亳亢仆亠亶亠仄 从仂仆从亠 仆舒 仗仂仂于亠从仂仄 仗仂舒仆于亠 从舒从 束亳損, 仂仆舒 于仗亳仍舒 于仂亶 仗亠于亶 舒仍弍仂仄, 于 从仂仂仂仄 仂仂弍仂亶 仂亞舒仆亳从仂亶 亰于舒 仗亠仆亳 从舒从 仆舒 从亞亰从仂仄, 舒从 亳 舒仆亞仍亳亶从仂仄 亳 从仂仄 磶从舒. 亠 仗亠仆亳 束仂亶 仍ミ頴湖煮亶 亠仍仂于亠从損, 束弌勵儚勵儚損, 亳 亟亞亳亠 舒仍亳 舒 仆舒亠亶 亢亳亰仆亳, 仂仂礌亳 亟仍亳亠仍仆仂亞仂 仗仂仍亠舒 于 亳仂 仍ミ頴火, 亟仂弍舒 亳 于亠仆仂亳.

亞舒仆亳亰舒亳 于亠亳 仂亠于仍亠仆舒 丼仂仍仗仂仆 丐亟舒仍亳亠于仂亶, 亟.亳.仆., 仗仂亠仂 仗仂亞舒仄仄 仆仂仗仂仍仂亞亳亳 丕丶

May 6, 2015

Gavin Slade

Crime and Criminology in the Post-Soviet States: Research Areas and Prospects

Criminology is an underdeveloped field in the post-Soviet region. The study of crime and state responses to it is usually left to legal scholars, lawyers and practitioners. Yet the countries of the post-Soviet region have very particular criminological and social scientific, problems: high violent crime rates, attitudes marked by legal nihilism, embedded organized crime, and corruption. State responses to crime are characterized by both Soviet legacies and weaknesses of the institutions tasked with controlling criminality. Post-Soviet countries possess very high prison populations, often corrupt and predatory police forces, worryingly influential private security sectors, and governments that practice selective justice. Furthermore, the region is a fascinating place to study reform processes. From the Baltic States to Georgia, Ukraine, Russia and Kyrgyzstan attempts to reform prisons, police and reduce corruption vary. In this presentation, I will present a number of analytical puzzles that criminologists in western countries debate and show what post-Soviet countries can contribute to these discussions. These questions include:

- Does capitalism create crime?
- Does democracy lead to high prison populations?
- When does crime become politicized?
- Where and when does organized crime emerge?
- Why does prison reform produce violence?
- What is corruption and how can it be reduced?

Bio: Gavin Slade
Originally from the UK, I completed a PhD in Criminology from Oxford AI用丗算然 in 2011. I was assistant professor of Criminology at the AI用丗算然 of Toronto, Canada from 2012-2014. I am currently a research fellow at the Freie Universitat in Berlin. My specific research focus is on organized crime and corruption as well as prison and police reform in post-Soviet countries. I have a book out with Oxford AI用丗算然 Press in December 2013 entitled Reorganizing Crime: Mafia and Anti-Mafia in Post-Soviet Georgia. I am also very interested in, and have researched and published on, practices of immigrant detention in the UK in so-called Immigration Removal Centres. Currently, I am researching and writing about prison reform in the post-Soviet region, the links of these reforms to violence, and the role prisons have played in framing the culture and practices of organized crime in this region.

Apr 29, 2015

Erica Piazza

Modern psychology, lessons from peaceful cultures, and nonviolence in the 21st century

Psychology is a relatively new science of behavior and has predominantly focused on studying behavior in clinical, educational,social, and industrial settings. One important area that the study of psychology has neglected is that of promoting peace and controlling violence. It is possibly owing to this reason that many scholars have felt that psychology has failed to carry its message across disciplines in general and policy makers in particular. This talk focuses on the the characteristics of peaceful cultures, especially in the context of Bontas identification of 23 peace cultures published in Psychological Bulletin, a publication of American Psychological Association. The research was conducted in a small village of about 1100 people located in Malana, India. This peaceful culture of Malana exhibits genuinely core democratic structure and application of peaceful resolution of their conflicts is added to Bontas list. In the context of several psychological correlates such as moral inclusion, forgiveness and empathy, the peaceful culture of Malana will be highlighted in this talk. Finally, the talk seeks further application of Fredricksons broaden and build theory and Kools three dimensional model of nonviolence, as well as a brief mention of comparable nonviolent research currently being done in Kyrgyzstan and India.

My name is Erica Piazza and I am a Peace Corps Volunteer located in At Bashy, Kyrgyzstan. I had presented research on Self-control and nonviolence: Lessons from Malana as part of a panel entitled Nonviolence, Conflict Transformation and Forgiveness at the 25th Annual Conference of the German Peace Psychology Association, June 1-3, AI用丗算然 of Konstanz, Konstanz, Germany. Currently, I am working on research in Kyrgyzstan that focuses on the role of religion in nonviolence.

April 28, 2015

Elisabeta Zelinka

Something is Rotten with (the Western) Homo Sapiens! The individual / the couple = as their own anesthesiologists: identity + marital crisis in the contemporary Western world

Multiple identity crises and aggressiveness, transcendental hollowness and metaphysical loneliness, consequently alienation, depression, neuroses and psychoses these are some of the paramount issues of the contemporary Occidental homo sapiens. Battling these paramount conditions, overwhelmed by his unprecedented identity crises related to his Self, God(s), family, sex, gender, religion(s), and occult belief systems, the postmodern Westerner has become a void humanoid / android, agonizing in his spiritual hollowness.

As a natural repercussion, he has become a faithful patient of expensive therapists, in his most desperate attempt to overcome his 21st century diseases direct outcomes of his modus vivendi. To mention the preeminent ones: his dehumanizing rat race for material goods and for social prestige, his (self)-isolation and consequently, the implosion of all those social nuclei that he once seriously relied on (family and friendship circles, face-to-face socializing and social networks as well as the institution of marriage). Only three centuries after sacrificing himself for the lofty idea(l)s of the French Revolution and of the Enlightenment, the contemporary Occidental humanoid has undergone an unprecedented process of dehumanization, turning into a void, ailing automaton: an uprooted, narcissistic, xenophobic, self-destructive being, lost in his search for new existential roots. What is most interesting is the fact that although for the first time in history the human being officially decreed Gods death, he immediately detected his own inner / transcendental frustrations and promptly resorted to inventing new, artificial pseudo-gods and idols.

Why, where and when have we failed as humane human beings?

Elisabeta Zelinka is the Academic Director of the NGA New Generation Academy, AUCA
She holds a PhD in the field of Literary Studies and Social Psychology, published in 2010: A Psycho-Social Analysis of the Occident. Cunningham, 73 Years after Woolf: a Meeting in Androgyny.

She earned her PhD in a scholarship program: Bard College Berlin, West AI用丗算然 Timisoara, Romania in 2009 and she became the youngest PhD in Romania, according to the minimum age limit.

She earned her BA diploma in German-British-American Philology, within a scholarship program: Bard College New York, USA, Martin-Luther-Universit辰t, Wittenberg, Germany, Alpen-Adria-Universit辰t, Klagenfurt, Austria and West AI用丗算然, Romania.

She has been teaching in both Europe and in Asia and is currently teaching and supervising 2 liberal arts courses at NGA, AUCA:
Critical Thinking and Test Analysis
UN Women Internship Program

April 22, 2015

Tolgonai Kozhoeva

The representation of Central Asian Migrants in Russian Press

The press regularly produces subtle type of racism, which constructs the positive self-presentation and negative other-presentation. The research scrutinized the socially acquired prejudices about Central Asian migrants by analyzing three major online newspapers: Izvestia popular daily, Komsomolskaya Pravda left leaning daily and Novaya Gazeta as an independent daily. Media both reflects the reality and contributes to the formation of it. This latent type of racist prejudices are disseminated to wider public domain via media, which engenders the aggressive type of racism like it has happened in Beryulova pogrom in October, 2013. Moreover subtle modern type of racism contributes to the increase of xenophobic incidents against the others (Central Asians) where the selves (Ethnically Russian citizens) justify their relations and actions referring to the official sources that are made known through media. The increasing cases of 'others'' deaths from the hands of skinheads and hostile relations and mood of Russians against Central Asian migrants served as a very big reason to study the role of press in production of these relations and moods. This research also studied narratives that are contructed about CA asian migrants, crisis/es event(s) that constituted the changes in migration discourse and reporting tones of Russian press when writing about Central Asian migrants. Moreover the main aim of the research was to answer the following questions: How Central Asian migrants are represented in Russian newspapers and do the Russian newspapers use enmity language in text production and generate racist discourse against Central Asian migrants?

The presentation will provide qualitative results and build a platform among participats to further enhance debate on nexus not only between migration and press, but also deeply and comprehensibly discuss the representation of migrants in magazines, TV, radio, billboards and social media.
Bio: Tolgonai Kozhoeva is a graduate of the AUCA Anthropology program. She has recently completed the joint German-Turkish Dual Masters Degree in Social Sciences from the Humboldt AI用丗算然 in Berlin and Middle East Technical AI用丗算然, Ankara, Turkey.

April 8, 2015

Valeri Hardin

Chinese nationalities policy in Xinjiang

Xinjiang, officially the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region and historically known as Eastern Turkestan, was the scene of serious disturbances in the last few years. What are the causes of these disturbances? How are related to the Chinese policy towards national minorities in this multiethnic region? What are the landmarks of this policy and how did this policy evolve?
The presentation will outline the history of the nationalities policy and the characteristics of its different stages and will discuss the effect of this policy on the life of Chinas largest administrative unit.

Valeri Hardin currently teaches at AUCA courses in Literature and Art of Central Asia, History of Art, and First Year Seminar. His recent research interests include art of Central Asia and language use in urban settings. The presentation is based on a semester of research at the Indiana AI用丗算然, Bloomington.

March 24th, 2015

Mia Tarp Hansen

The Ukrainian conflicts po-kazakhski

The events in Crimea and Ukraine the past year have caused much reverberation, not only in the West, but also within the former Soviet Union. Particularly in Kazakhstan, the nationalist sentiment has perceived the conflicts very negatively, grounded on the fear that Russia will also swallow parts of northern Kazakhstan. Thus, the Kazakh nationalists have used these Ukrainian conflicts to reinterpret Kazakhstans political, economic and social relations with Russia, cast a stark critique on Russia, and launching a solidarity movement towards Ukraine and the Crimean Tatars. I will show a number of visual examples from social media of the nationalists interpretation of this conflict, and discuss the impact it might have on Kazakhstans foreign policy and public opinion. Please note that I as presenter do not endorse any of the beliefs shown in the presentation.

Mia Tarp Hansen is a PhD candidate at the Department of Politics and International Relations, La Trobe AI用丗算然, Melbourne, Australia. She is also a visiting researcher, College of Social Sciences, KIMEP AI用丗算然, Almaty, Kazakhstan. BA, MA: Russian Studies, Central Asian Studies and Anthropology, AI用丗算然 of Copenhagen, Denmark.

25-亞仂 亠于舒仍, 2015

于亞亠仆亳亶 丿亳弍从仂于

仂舒仆于亠仆仆亶 舒仆舒仍亳亰 亳 仄仂亟亠仍亳仂于舒仆亳亠 仍仂从舒仍仆仂亞仂 仆从舒 仍亞 仆舒 亠亳仂亳亳 ミ勤術 仄亳从仂舒亶仂仆仂于 亞仂仂亟舒 亳从亠从

丕仍亞亳 磦仍ム 仆亠仂亠仄仍亠仄仂亶 舒 仆舒亠亶 仗仂于亠亟仆亠于仆仂亶 亢亳亰仆亳. 仆仂从 仍亞 于亠 于亠仄 舒亠 亳 仗仂 仄仆仂亞亳仄 仗仂从舒亰舒亠仍礆 亢亠 仂仗亠亠亢舒亠 仆仂从 仂于舒仂于. 仍 仗亠仆仂亞仂 舒亰于亳亳 亳 于亠亟亠仆亳 弍亳亰仆亠舒 仆亠仂弍仂亟亳仄 仄舒从亠亳仆亞仂于亠 亳仍亠亟仂于舒仆亳 仆从舒 于 舒仆仂亳 亟仍 仂亞仂, 仂弍 亰仆舒 仂于亠仄亠仆仆仂亠 仂仂礌亳亠 仆从舒, 亠 亠亞仂 仂仂弍亠仆仆仂亳, 舒 舒从亢亠 于磦亳 亠仆亟亠仆亳亳 亟舒仍仆亠亶亳 亳亰仄亠仆亠仆亳 亳舒亳亳 仆舒 仆从亠. 舒 仗仂仄仂 舒从亳仄 仗亠亟舒于亳亠仍礆 仆从舒 仄仂亢亠 仗亳亶亳 弍仂仍亠亠 亳仆仆仂于舒亳仂仆仆亶 仗仂亟仂亟, 仆舒仗亳仄亠, 亳仗仂仍亰仂于舒仆亳亠 亳仆仄亠仆仂于 仗仂舒仆于亠仆仆仂亞仂 舒仆舒仍亳亰舒, 从仂仂亠 磦仍ム 仂亟仆亳仄亳 亳亰 仂仆仂于仆 亳仆仄亠仆仂于 亞亠仂亞舒亳亠从亳 亳仆仂仄舒亳仂仆仆 亳亠仄 (弌). 舒 从亠 仄舒从亠亳仆亞舒 亳 弌 仗仂磦仍磳 仆仂于舒 亟亳亳仗仍亳仆舒, 仗仂仍亳于舒 仆舒亰于舒仆亳亠 亠仂仄舒从亠亳仆亞. 丱舒舒从亠仆仂亶 仂仂弍亠仆仆仂 亞亠仂仄舒从亠亳仆亞舒 磦仍磳 仂, 仂 仂仆 仗仂亰于仂仍磳 亟仂于仂仍仆仂 仍亠亞从仂 仗仂于亠亳 舒仆舒仍亳亰 亠于ム亠亞仂 仆从舒, 仂亠仆亳 仗亠仗亠从亳于 亠亞仂 舒亰于亳亳 仗仂亰亳亳亳 仄亠仂仗仂仍仂亢亠仆亳 仗亠亟仂舒于仍亠仆亳亠 仂于舒舒 亳仍亳 仍亞亳. 舒仆舒 舒弍仂舒 仗仂从舒亰于舒亠 于仂亰仄仂亢仆仂亳 亞亠仂仄舒从亠亳仆亞舒 仆舒 仗亳仄亠亠 仗仂舒仆于亠仆仆仂亞仂 舒仆舒仍亳亰舒 亳 仄仂亟亠仍亳仂于舒仆亳 仍仂从舒仍仆仂亞仂 仆从舒 仍亞 仆舒 亠亳仂亳亳 ミ勤術 仄亳从仂舒亶仂仆仂于 亞仂仂亟舒 亳从亠从.

于亞亠仆亳亶 丿亳弍从仂于 - 从仗亠 仗仂 亞亠仂亞舒亳亠从亳仄 亳仆仂仄舒亳仂仆仆仄 亳亠仄舒仄 于 丕仆亳于亠亳亠亠 丶亠仆舒仍仆仂亶 亰亳亳. 舒亳仆舒仍 于仂 从舒亠 于 舒仂亞舒仂-亠仂亟亠亰亳亠从仂亶 仍亢弍亠 亞亰从仂亶 亠仗弍仍亳从亳 于 2007 亞仂亟. 弌 2012 仗仂 2014 亳仍 于 舒亞亳舒亠 仂亞舒仆亳亰仂于舒仆仆仂亶 丕弌丐 亳 丕仆亳于亠亳亠仂仄 舒仍弍亞舒 于亳, 仗仂 仗亠亳舒仍仆仂亳 束舒仂亞舒亳 亳 亠仂亳仆仂仄舒亳从舒損. 2014 仆舒舒仍 舒弍仂 于 仆亳亠 仍亠亟仂于舒仆亳 仂仆 仂仂弍亠于 仗亳 丕仆亳于亠亳亠亠 丶亠仆舒仍仆仂亶 亰亳亳. 丕舒仆亳从 仆亠从仂仍从亳 亠亢亟仆舒仂亟仆 从仂仆亠亠仆亳亶 亳 亠仆亳仆亞仂于.

February 18, 2015

Amanda Wetsel

What and When is "New" in Architecture, Construction and Interior Decoration in Bishkek: Talking about Novelty, Innovation, Temporality, and Aspiration

Architects, interior designers, construction workers, business owners, people selling materials for construction, decoration and remodeling, and homeowners of different professions have talked about their desire for "something new" in houses and apartments. At the same time, many people express concern about new residential areas and new construction. This presentation discusses ideas about novelty in the design, construction, remodelling and decoration of domestic spaces in Bishkek. It examines practices and materials that are considered "new", how people evaluate the newness, and some ways the desirableness or danger of that "newness" is constructed, and what the production or possession of "something new" is understood to say about the people who create and inhabit that newness.

Amanda Wetsel is a PhD candidate in the anthropology department at Stanford AI用丗算然 and a visiting scholar at the Central Asian Studies Institute at the AI用丗算然.

11 亠于舒仍, 2015

亠仗舒 仂亞仂从 亠仆亠舒 舒舒 弌仍舒仆仂于

亞亰舒仆 于 丐舒仄仂亢亠仆仆仂仄 弌仂ミ経: 亳从亳, 弌舒亠亞亳亳 亳 亠仗亠从亳于

弌 仆亠亟舒于仆亳 仗仂 于 亞亰舒仆亠 仂亟仆仂亶 亳亰 仂弍亢亟舒亠仄 亠仄 磦仍磳 亠仄舒 于仂亢亟亠仆亳 舒仆 于 丐舒仄仂亢亠仆仆亶 弌仂ミ. 仆舒 于亰于舒仍舒 仂亞仂仄仆亶 仂弍亠于亠仆仆亶 亠亰仂仆舒仆, 舒亰亟亠仍 仂弍亠于仂 仆舒 亟于舒 仍舒亞亠 仆舒 仂仂仆仆亳从仂于, 从仂仂亠 弍亠亟亳亠仍仆仄亳 舒亞仄亠仆舒仄亳 亳 舒从舒仄亳 亟仂从舒亰于舒ム 仆亠仂弍仂亟亳仄仂 亳 亠从亳于仆仂 舒从仂亶 亳仆亠亞舒亳亳, 亳 仗仂亳于仆亳从仂于, 从仂仂亠, 仆舒仗仂亳于, 亰舒亳舒ム, 舒从 仆舒亰于舒亠仄 从仂仆仂仄亳亠从 仆亠亰舒于亳亳仄仂 亳 仗亠仗亠从亳于 舒亰于亳亳 亞亰舒仆舒 于 仂仄亠 亠从仗仂舒 亳 弍仂仍亠亠 亠仆 仂亞仂于仂-从仂仆仂仄亳亠从亳 于磶亠亶 亳舒亠仄.

舒从仂于舒 亢亠 仆舒 亠亞仂亟仆仆亳亶 亟亠仆 亠仗亠仆 从仂仆仂仄亳亠从仂亶, ム亳亟亳亠从仂亶, 仂亳舒仍仆仂亶, 舒 亞亟亠-仂 仗亳仂仍仂亞亳亠从仂亶 亞仂仂于仆仂亳 仆舒亠亞仂 亞仂亟舒于舒, 亳 弍仂仍亠亠 仂亞仂, 亠亞仂 仗仂亳亰于仂亟亳亠仍亠亶 亳 仗仂亠弍亳亠仍亠亶 从 仂仄 亳仆亠亞舒亳仂仆仆仂仄 仗仂亠; 从舒从亳亠 亳从亳 亳 仗亳仂亳亠 仂亢亳亟舒ム 于 舒仆亰亳仆亶 仗亠亳仂亟 舒亟舒仗舒亳亳, 亳 仆舒从仂仍从仂 仂仆亳 仗亠仂亟仂仍亳仄 于 从仂仆仂仄亳亠从仂仄, 仆仂仄舒亳于仆仂-仗舒于仂于仂仄 亳 从仍仆仂-仗亳仂仍仂亞亳亠从仂仄 从仂仆亠从亠; 从舒从 亳 从舒从亳仄 仂弍舒亰仂仄, 仆舒亳 亞仂亟舒于亠仆仆亠 亳仆亠亠 亳 仆舒亳仂仆舒仍仆亠 仂仂弍亠仆仆仂亳 亠仆 亳 弍亟 仂弍仍ミ莞委?

亅亳 亳 亟亞亳亠 于仂仗仂 弍亟 仂弍亢亟亠仆 于 仆仂仗仂仍仂亞亳亠从仂仄 从仍弍亠 丕丶 于 于仗仍亠仆亳亳 舒舒舒 弍亟舒亰舒从仂于亳舒 弌仍舒仆仂于舒, 亠仗舒舒 仂亞仂从 亠仆亠舒 束亞亰舒仆 于 丐舒仄仂亢亠仆仆仂仄 弌仂ミ経: 亳从亳, 弌舒亠亞亳亳 亳 亠仗亠从亳于損.
亳仂: 舒舒 弍亟舒亰舒从仂于亳 弌仍舒仆仂于 于 1983 亞仂亟 弍仍 于仗从仆亳从仂仄 仂亟仆仂亞仂 亳亰 仗亠亳亢仆 于亰仂于 仂亳亳, 仂从仂于从仂亞仂 亳仆亳舒 舒仍亳 亳 仗仍舒于仂于 (弌亳弌), 仗仂仍亠 仂从仂仆舒仆亳, 从仂仂仂亞仂 弍仍 仗亳亞仍舒亠仆 仄仍舒亟亳仄 仆舒仆仄 仂亟仆亳从仂仄 仆舒 从舒亠亟 仄舒亠亳舒仍仂于亠亟亠仆亳 仗仂仍仗仂于仂亟仆亳从仂于. 弌 1987 仗仂 1992 亞亞. .. 弌仍舒仆仂于 亰舒仆亳仄舒仍 仗亠仗仂亟舒于舒亠仍从仂亶 亳 仆舒仆仂亶 亟亠亠仍仆仂 于 仂仍亳亠 亠仗弍仍亳从亳. 1992-1994 亞亞. 仂仆 亰舒仆磿 弍舒仆从仂于从仂亶 亟亠亠仍仆仂 亳 亰舒 舒于仆亳亠仍仆仂 仆亠弍仂仍仂亶 仗亠亳仂亟 于仂 亟仂 仗亠亟亠亟舒亠仍 仗舒于仍亠仆亳 舒亳仂仆舒仍仆仂亞仂 弍舒仆从舒 .

1999 亞仂亟 .. 弌仍舒仆仂于 弍仍 仆舒亰仆舒亠仆 仄亳仆亳仂仄 亳仆舒仆仂于 亠仗弍仍亳从亳.
2000-2005 亞仂亟舒 - 亟亠仗舒 舒从仂仆仂亟舒亠仍仆仂亞仂 仂弍舒仆亳 仂亞仂从 亠仆亠舒 亞亰从仂亶 亠仗弍仍亳从亳 II 仂亰于舒. 从仂于仂亟亳亠仍 亟亠仗舒从仂亶 亞仗仗 束亅仍 勵勵仆損, 仗亠亟亠亟舒亠仍 仂仄亳亠舒 仗仂 弍ミ莞勤却 亳 亳仆舒仆舒仄 舒从仂仆仂亟舒亠仍仆仂亞仂 仂弍舒仆亳 仂亞仂从 亠仆亠舒 亞亰从仂亶 亠仗弍仍亳从亳.

仄舒亠 2005 亞仂亟舒 亳亰弍舒仆 亟亠仗舒仂仄 仂亞仂从 亠仆亠舒 亞亰从仂亶 亠仗弍仍亳从亳 III 仂亰于舒. 弌 亟亠从舒弍 2005 仗仂 仄舒 2006 亞仂亟 仗亠亟亠亟舒亠仍 仂仄亳亠舒 仗仂 从仂仆亳亳仂仆仆仂仄 亰舒从仂仆仂亟舒亠仍于, 亞仂亟舒于亠仆仆仂仄 仂亶于, 亰舒从仂仆仆仂亳, 亟亠弍仆仂-仗舒于仂于仂亶 亠仂仄亠 亳 仗仂 仗舒于舒仄 亠仍仂于亠从舒.

弌 仄舒舒 2006 亞仂亟舒 - 丐仂舒亞舒 仂亞仂从 亠仆亠舒 亞亰从仂亶 亠仗弍仍亳从亳.
亟亠从舒弍亠 2007 亞仂亟舒 仆舒亰仆舒亠仆 仗亠亟亠亟舒亠仍亠仄 弌仂亳舒仍仆仂亞仂 仂仆亟舒 亞亰从仂亶 亠仗弍仍亳从亳.
弌 礌于舒 2009 亞仂亟舒 - 仄亳仆亳 亳仆舒仆仂于 亞亰从仂亶 亠仗弍仍亳从亳.
弌 仂从磡 2010 - 亟亠仗舒 仂亞仂从 亠仆亠舒 亞亰从仂亶 亠仗弍仍亳从亳 V 仂亰于舒, 仍亠仆 仂仄亳亠舒 仂亞仂从 亠仆亠舒 仗仂 从仂仆仂仄亳亠从仂亶 亳 亳从舒仍仆仂亶 仗仂仍亳亳从亠.
舒亞舒亢亟亠仆 仄亠亟舒仍 束舒劭从損 亰舒 于从仍舒亟 于 仗仂亟亞仂仂于从, 于于亠亟亠仆亳亠 亳 仂弍亠仗亠亠仆亳亠 仂亶亳于仂亞仂 仆从亳仂仆亳仂于舒仆亳 仆舒亳仂仆舒仍仆仂亶 于舒仍ム 仂仄舒. 舒仍亢亠仆仆亶 从仂仆仂仄亳 亞亰从仂亶 亠仗弍仍亳从亳. 舒仆亟亳亟舒 亳亰亳从仂-仄舒亠仄舒亳亠从亳 仆舒从 亳 舒于仂 弍仂仍亠亠 50 仆舒仆 舒弍仂 于 仂弍仍舒亳 亳亰亳从亳 亳 仄舒亠亳舒仍仂于亠亟亠仆亳 仗仂仍仗仂于仂亟仆亳从仂于.
仂亟舒于亠仆仆亶 仂于亠仆亳从 亞仂亟舒于亠仆仆仂亶 仍亢弍 I 从仍舒舒.

亠舒 仂亞舒仆亳亰仂于舒仆舒 仗仂亠仂仂仄 丼仂仍仗仂仆 丐亟舒仍亳亠于仂亶.油

December 3, 2014

Dr. Olivier Ferrando油

Soviet Population Transfers and Interethnic Relations. Assessing the Concept of Ethnicity in Central Asia

This presentation explores a key event in the recent history of Central Asia: the 1950s Soviet policy of forced transfers of highlanders down to cotton kolkhozes in the Ferghana Valley, in particular from Macha district to Nau and Proletar districts in North Tajikistan. From both a historical and sociological perspective, it analyses how the displaced population was received in the areas of destination. It sheds light on the concept of ethnicity, in the sense that these transfers were most often analysed in ethnic terms, Tajik highlanders vs. Uzbek farmers in our case study. This approach does not allow for the perception of a complex range of identities based on a nation, a region, a lineage, a religion or a language. The concept of ethnicity seems therefore limited to explain the social dynamics of nation-state formation in a region where identity appears to be multiple, changing and constantly renegotiated.

Olivier Ferrando holds a PhD of political science from Sciences Po Paris on minority identities in the Ferghana valley (Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan). He is currently director of the French Institute for Central Asian Studies in Bishkek.

20 仆仂磡, 2014

亳亟舒 弍亟从舒仆仂于舒

舒仄仆亳从亳 弌亠仍仆从 亳 弍亳亳 1-5: 从亞亰舒仆从仂亠 亳仍亳 亰弍亠从亳舒仆从仂亠 仆舒仍亠亟亳亠?

亠亰亠仆舒亳 仗仂于亠仆舒 于仂仗仂舒仄 仍仂从舒仍亳亰舒亳亳 亳 亳亰亠仆亳 亳亰于亠仆 仗舒仄仆亳从仂于 从舒仄亠仆仆仂亞仂 于亠从舒 仗亠亠 弌亠仍仆从 亳 弍亳亳 1-5, 舒仗仂仍仂亢亠仆仆 于 舒从亠仆从仂亶 仂弍仍舒亳 亞亰舒仆舒. 仂亟仂弍仆仂 亳亰亠仆仆亠 于 仂于亠从仂亠 于亠仄, 于 亟舒仆仆仂亠 于亠仄 仂仆亳 亳亰于亠仆 于 仆舒仆仂仄 仄亳亠 从舒从 从仍ム亠于亠 亟仂亳仂亳亠从亳亠 仗舒仄仆亳从亳 丕亰弍亠从亳舒仆舒. 舒从亳仄 仂弍舒亰仂仄 仍仂亢亳仍舒 舒从舒 亳舒亳? 亠仂弍仂亟亳仄舒 仍亳 亠亠 从仂亠从亳仂于从舒? 丼亠 仂 仆舒仍亠亟亳亠? 舒 亳 亳 仄仆仂亞亳亠 亟亞亳亠 于仂仗仂 舒于仂 仗亠亟舒于亳 于仂 仂从 亰亠仆亳.

亳亟舒 弍亟从舒仆仂于舒, 亟仂亠仆 仗仂亞舒仄仄 舒仆仂仗仂仍仂亞亳, 丕丶, 从舒仆亟亳亟舒 亳仂亳亠从亳 仆舒从, 舒亠仂仍仂亞 仄仆仂亞仂仍亠仆亳仄 仂仗仂仄 舒弍仂 于 丶亠仆舒仍仆仂亶 亰亳亳, 仂亳亳 亳 亊仗仂仆亳亳.

29 仂从磡, 2014

亳从仂仍舒亶 舒弍舒亳仆仂于

束舒舒仍仂于从亳損 丕仍舒仆-丕亟: 束仄仂舒仍仆舒 从仂仆仂仄亳从舒損 亳仍亳 束亞亠仂亳亠从仂亠 仗亠亟仗亳仆亳仄舒亠仍于仂損?

束舒舒仍仂于从亳損 仂 (仗仂)仂于亠从亳亶 舒仆舒仍仂亞 从于仂亠从亳 仗仂亠仍亠仆亳亶, 亳仂从仂 舒仗仂舒仆亠仆仆 仗仂 于亠仄 仄亳, 于 仗亠于 仂亠亠亟, 于 舒亰于亳于舒ム亳 舒仆舒. 仂亢仆仂 于亟亠仍亳 亟于舒 仗仂亟仂亟舒 从 仂弍仆亠仆亳 亠仆仂仄亠仆舒 仆亠仂仄舒仍仆 仗仂亠仍亠仆亳亶: 仆亠仂仍亳弍亠舒仍仆亶 亳 从仂仄仄仆亳舒亳从亳亶. 舒仄从舒 仗亠于仂亞仂 仗仂亟仂亟舒 从于仂亠 舒仄舒亳于舒ム 从舒从 束亞亠仂亳亠从亳亠 仗亠亟仗亳仆亳仄舒亠仍亳損, 从仂仂亠, 于仂仗亠从亳 束仗仍仂亳仄損 亰舒从仂仆舒仄 亞仂亟舒于舒, 仂 仆仂仆 从仂仆仂仄亳从; 于仂仂亶 仗仂亟仂亟 亳舒亠 从于仂亠仂于 舒亟亳亳仂仆舒仍亳舒仄亳, 亢亳于亳仄亳 仗仂 仗亳仆亳仗舒仄 束仄仂舒仍仆仂亶 从仂仆仂仄亳从亳損. 亟仂从仍舒亟亠 弍亟 舒仄仂亠仆 于仂亰仄仂亢仆仂亳 亳 仂亞舒仆亳亠仆亳 亳 亟于 仗仂亟仂亟仂于 仆舒 仗亳仄亠亠 亳仍亠亟仂于舒仆亳 束仆舒舒仍仂于仂从損 亞仂仂亟舒 丕仍舒仆-丕亟.

舒从舒 弍亳仂亞舒亳
亳从仂仍舒亶 舒弍舒亳仆仂于 仂从仂仆亳仍 于 2003 亞仂亟 亳仂亳亠从亳亶 舒从仍亠 从仂亞仂 亞仂亟舒于亠仆仆仂亞仂 仆亳于亠亳亠舒. 2009-2010 亞亞. 仄舒亞亳舒舒 舒从仍亠舒 仗仂仍亳亳亠从亳 仆舒从 亳 仂亳仂仍仂亞亳亳 于仂仗亠亶从仂亞仂 仆亳于亠亳亠舒 于 弌舒仆从-亠亠弍亞亠. 舒亞亳 仂亳仂仍仂亞亳亳 (亟亳仗仍仂仄 于舒仍亳亟亳亠 丕仆亳于亠亳亠仂仄 丱亠仍亳仆从亳, 个亳仆仍礌亟亳). 弌 亠仆磡 2010 亞仂亟舒 舒仗亳舒仆 舒从仍亠舒 仗仂仍亳亳亠从亳 仆舒从 亳 仂亳仂仍仂亞亳亳 于仂仗亠亶从仂亞仂 仆亳于亠亳亠舒 于 弌舒仆从-亠亠弍亞亠. 丐亠仄舒 从舒仆亟亳亟舒从仂亶 亟亳亠舒亳亳: 束仆亳亳仂仆舒仍亳亰舒亳 舒仆仂亶 仂弍于亠仆仆仂亳 仆舒 亰亠仄仍 于 亞仂仂亟舒 仗仂仂于亠从仂亶 仂亳亳損. 弌 2012 亞仂亟舒 仆舒仆亶 仂亟仆亳从 丶亠仆舒 从仍仆 亳仍亠亟仂于舒仆亳亶 仗仂仂亳舒仍亳亰仄舒 仆亳舒 舒于仆亳亠仍仆 亳仍亠亟仂于舒仆亳亶 仄仂亟亠仆亳亰舒亳亳 仂弍亠于 舒亰舒仆从仂亞仂 (亳于仂仍亢从仂亞仂) 亠亟亠舒仍仆仂亞仂 仆亳于亠亳亠舒. 舒仆亠 亳仆亠亠: c仂亳仂仍仂亞亳/舒仆仂仗仂仍仂亞亳 仗舒于舒, 仂亳仂仍仂亞亳/舒仆仂仗仂仍仂亞亳 亞仂仂亟舒, 仂亳仂仍仂亞亳 仂弍于亠仆仆仂亳, 仆舒 亳仂亳 亳 仂亳舒仍仆舒 仗舒仄, 从于舒亠从亳亠 仗仂亠仍亠仆亳 于 仗仂仂于亠从亳 亞仂仂亟舒, 仂亳仂仍仂亞亳 仄亠亞舒-仂弍亳亶, 仄仂仍仂亟亠亢仆亠 仍亳仆亠 亞仗仗亳仂于从亳.

29 仂从磡, 2014

亠舒 舒仍亳仆亟舒弍舒亠于舒

舒亠亳仆于仂 仆舒 舒仂礌亳亳: 舒从 亠仍从亳亠 仄亳亞舒仆 亰舒弍仂 仂 于仂亳 亟亠 于 亳亳

仂亶 仗亠亰亠仆舒亳亳 舒仄仂 从舒从 仄亳亞舒仆 亳亰 亠仍从仂亶 仄亠仆仂亳 于 亳亳 仗舒ム 弍舒仍舒仆亳仂于舒 仄舒亠亳仆于仂 亳 舒弍仂. 仆舒仍亳亰 舒亳亳亠从亳 亟舒仆仆 仗仂从舒亰于舒亠 亰仆舒亳亠仍仆 舒仆仂仄舒亳 仄亳亞舒亳亳 亳亰 亠仍舒 于 亞仂仂亟 仆舒 仗仂礀亠仆亳亳 仗仂仍亠亟仆亳 20 仍亠. 仆仂于于舒 仆舒 仄亳仂于 亳 仂亳亶从亳 亳仍亠亟仂于舒仆亳 于 亠亠 亢亠仆从仂亶 舒仆仆舒亳仂仆舒仍仆仂亶 仄亳亞舒亳亳 仂仄仍亳 于仂 亞亳仗仂亠亰: 亢亠仆亳仆 仄亳亞舒仆 舒亰于亳于舒ム 仗亠亳亳亠从亳亠 仗舒从亳从亳 仄舒亠亳仆于舒 仆舒 舒仂礌亳亳 从仂亞亟舒 亳 亟亠亳 仂舒ム 亟仂仄舒. 仍亠亟仂于舒仆亳亠 仂仆仂于舒仆仂 仆舒 舒仆舒仍亳亰亠 65 亳仆亠于, 仗仂于亠亟仆仆 于 仆亠从仂仍从亳 亠亞亳仂仆舒 亳亳. 仍亠亟仂于舒仆亳亠 仗仂亟于亠亢亟舒亠 亞亳仗仂亠亰 亳 亟舒 仆仂于亶 于亰亞仍磲 仆舒 亳舒亳 于 仆舒亳仂仆舒仍仆 亠仗弍仍亳从舒 仂亳亶从仂亶 个亠亟亠舒亳亳. 仍舒亠 亳亳 于舒亢仆 仂仍 于 亠仄亠亶仆 仂仆仂亠仆亳 亳亞舒亠 舒亟亳亳仂仆仆舒 亟仍 弍从亳 亠仄亠亶 亳亟亠仂仍仂亞亳 舒亳亠仆仆仂亞仂 仄舒亠亳仆于舒.

舒从舒 弍亳仂亞舒亳
亠舒 舒仍亳仆亟舒弍舒亠于舒 仂从仂仆亳仍舒 亳仂亳亠从亳亶 舒从仍亠 从仂亞仂 亞仂亟舒于亠仆仆仂亞仂 仆亳于亠亳亠舒 仗仂 仗亠亳舒仍仆仂亳 束亳仂亳从, 仗亠仗仂亟舒于舒亠仍 亳仂亳亳損 仂仍亳亳亠仄 于 2005 亞. 2009 亞. 仂从仂仆亳仍舒 仗仂亞舒仄仄 仗仂亠亳仂仆舒仍仆仂亶 仗亠亠仗仂亟亞仂仂于从亳 束弌仂亳舒仍仆亠 亳仍亠亟仂于舒仆亳 仂于亠仄亠仆仆仂亞仂 仂弍亠于舒損 于 于仂仗亠亶从仂仄 仆亳于亠亳亠亠 于 弌舒仆从-亠亠弍亞亠 (丕弌弍). 弌 2009 亞. 磦仍磳 仂亳从舒亠仍亠仄 亠仗亠仆亳 从舒仆亟亳亟舒舒 仆舒从 仗仂 仂亳仂仍仂亞亳亳 于 丕弌弍, 亠仄舒 亟亳亠舒亳亳: 束个仂仄 仄亠亢仗仂从仂仍亠仆仆仂亶 亰舒弍仂 于 仂于亠仄亠仆仆 舒亳亠仆仆 亠仄 (仆舒 仗亳仄亠亠 亠仗弍仍亳从亳 亳)損. 2010 亳 2011-2012 亞亞. 仗仂仂亟亳仍舒 舒亢亳仂于从亳 于 丕仆亳于亠亳亠亠 亳仆仗亳仆亞舒 (丿于亠亳) 亳 丕仆亳于亠亳亠亠 亠亞亠仆舒 (仂于亠亞亳). 弌 2012 亞. 亠舒 磦仍磳 仄仍舒亟亳仄 仆舒仆仄 仂亟仆亳从仂仄 于 丶 仍仆亠 亳仍亠亟仂于舒仆亳 仗仂仂亳舒仍亳亰仄舒 仗亳 仆亳亠 舒于仆亳亠仍仆 亳仍亠亟仂于舒仆亳亶 仄仂亟亠仆亳亰舒亳亳 仂弍亠于 舒亰舒仆从仂亞仂 (亳于仂仍亢从仂亞仂) 个亠亟亠舒仍仆仂亞仂 仆亳于亠亳亠舒. 仍亠亟仂于舒亠仍从亳亠 亳仆亠亠: 仆仂仂亳仂仍仂亞亳, 仂亳舒仍仆舒 仗仂仍亳亳从舒, 亞亠仆亟亠仆亠 亳仍亠亟仂于舒仆亳, 亠仍从亳亠 亳仍亠亟仂于舒仆亳, 仂亳仂仍仂亞亳/舒仆仂仗仂仍仂亞亳 亞仂仂亟仂于 仆亠仆仆亠亶 亰亳亳.

8 仂从磡, 2014

仍舒仆 舒亳仄仂于

仗舒仆舒 弍亠亰仂仗舒仆仂? 亞亰从亳亠 亟仂于亠 仄亳亞舒仆 于 亞舒仆亳舒仆亠

舒 仂仆亠 仗仂弍仍亠仄 弍亠亰仂仗舒仆仂亳, 亠亞仍仆仂 仄亠仍从舒ム亳 于 弌, 亠仄 仆亠 仄亠仆亠亠 于 亞舒仆亳舒仆亠 仂仄亳仂于舒仆舒 仂仗亠亟亠仍亠仆仆舒 亠 亟仂于 仄亳亞舒仆仂于 亳亰 亞亰舒仆舒. 亠仄仂 仆舒 于仂从亳亶 亳从, 仂从仂仍仂 亳 从亞亰舒仆亠于 亟, 从舒从 仆舒 仂弍亠从舒 仄亳仍亳舒亳亰亳仂于舒仆仆仂亶 亳仆舒从, 舒从 亳 舒仆 从舒仄仗舒仆亳. 舒从 仂仆亳 仗仂仗舒亟舒ム 于 亞舒仆亳舒仆? 舒从仂仍从仂 于仍亳磳 束于仂亠仆仆仂亠 于亠仄晛 仆舒 仍仂于亳 亳 亟舒 亳 亰舒舒弍仂从舒? 舒从 从亞亰舒仆 舒舒从亠亳亰ム 亟仆仂亳 仆舒 仗亳 从 仗亠仆仂仄 亰舒舒弍仂从, 亳 从舒从亳亠 仗舒舒仍仍亠仍亳 仂仆亳 仗仂于仂亟 仂仂亠亠于亠仆仆亳从舒仄亳 于 仂亳亳?

舒仆仆舒 仗亠亰亠仆舒亳 仂亰仆舒从仂仄亳 于舒 舒仆舒仍亳亰仂仄 亠亰仍舒仂于 仗仂仍亠于仂亞仂 亳仍亠亟仂于舒仆亳 仗仂于亠亟亠仆仆仂亞仂 于 舒于亞亠 2014 仆舒 亠亳仂亳亳 亞. 舒弍仍 于 亠亟亠 从亞亰从亳 亟仂于 仄亳亞舒仆仂于. 仍亠亟仂于舒仆亳亠 仗仂于仂亟亳仍仂 仗亳 仗仂亟亟亠亢从亠 丐礌-丿舒仆从仂亞仂 舒仆舒仍亳亳亠从仂亞仂 亠仆舒, 丕丶.

亊亰从 仗仂于亠亟亠仆亳: 从亳亶.

仍舒仆 舒亳仄仂于 亟仂亠仆 仗仂亞舒仄仄 舒仆仂仗仂仍仂亞亳亳, 丕丶. 舒亳亳仍 于仂 PhD 亟亳亠舒亳 于 亠亶 丿从仂仍亠 弌仂亳舒仍仆 舒从, 舒亳亢-个舒仆亳 亳 于 亞亰从仂亶 从舒亟亠仄亳亳 舒从.

1 仂从磡, 2014

亅仄亳仍 舒亳亟亳仆仂于

弌于亠从仂 亳仍亳 仂于亠从仂? 仂仗亳亳亠 亠仍亳亞亳亳 于 亞亰舒仆亠 亠亠亰 仗亳亰仄 仗仂从仂仍亠仆亳亶

亟仆亳仄 亳亰 舒仄 仗仂仆 亳 亰舒仗舒仆仆 于仂仗仂仂于 仆舒 亠亞仂亟仆仆亳亶 亟亠仆 磦仍磳 于仂仗仂 于亠从仂亳. 舒 亳从仍ム亠仆亳亠仄 舒亟亳亳仂仆仆仂亞仂 "亞仂亟舒于仂 仂亟亠仍亠仆仂 仂 亠仍亳亞亳亳" 仄舒仍仂 从仂 仄仂亢亠 仗仂仆亳 仂 亢亠 仂 仂亰仆舒舒亠 仆舒 仂于仆亠 亠舒仍仆仂亶 仗仂仍亳亳从亳, 仂弍舒亰仂于舒仆亳, 亳 亠亢亠亟仆亠于仆仂亶 亢亳亰仆亳. 亅仂 于仂仗仂 亠亞仍仆仂 "仂弍仂磳", 仆舒仗亳仄亠 仗仂仍亠 仆亠亟舒于仆亠亞仂 亠弍仂于舒仆亳 亟亠仗舒舒 仂亟仂 舒仄仂于仂亶 亰舒仗亠亳 亳亟亢舒弍 于 从仂仍舒. 亟舒仆仆仂亶 舒弍仂亠 仆亠 仗舒ム 仂仄仍亳仂于舒, 仂 舒从仂亠 于亠从仂, 舒 从仂亠亠 舒舒ム 仗仂仆 仂 仂仄亳亠 "于亠从亳亶" 仂弍舒亰 仄仍亠仆亳. 亊 仗亠亟仍舒亞舒 于亰亞仍礌 仆舒 仂 于仂仗仂 亠亠亰 仗亳亰仄 仗仂从仂仍亠仆亳亶. 弌 仂亶 亠仍 于亟亠仍 亠亠 仗仂从仂仍亠仆亳: "舒仆仆亠亠 仂于亠从仂亠", "仂于亠从仂亠", "仗亠亠仂亟仆仂亠" 亳 "仆亠亰舒于亳亳仄仂亠" 亳 舒仆舒仍亳亰亳 于 从舒从亳 仍仂于亳 仂仄亳仂于舒仍仂 于仂仗亳亳亠 亠仍亳亞亳亳 从舒亢亟仂亞仂 亳亰 亳 仗仂从仂仍亠仆亳亶. 舒仆仆亶 舒仆舒仍亳亰 仗仂从舒亰于舒亠 仆舒仗亳仄亠, 仂 仄仂仍仂亟亢 亠亞仂亟仆 仂亠仆 从仍亠从亳仆舒 于 于弍仂亠 于仂亠亶 亳亟亠仆亳仆仂亳 亳 仍亠亞从仂 仂于仄亠舒亠/于仂仗亳仆亳仄舒亠 从舒从 亠仍亳亞亳仂亰仆仂亠 舒从 亳 于亠从仂亠. 仍舒于仆仄 亳仂仆亳从仂仄 亢亠 "从仂仆仍亳从舒" 仄亠亢亟 亠仍亳亞亳仂亰仆仄 亳 于亠从亳仄 亳 仍亠亟ム亳仄 亰舒 亳仄 仆舒仗礀亠仆亳亠仄 于 仂弍亠于亠, 磦仍磳 仆亠于仂仗亳亳亠 亠仍亳亞亳仂亰仆仂亞仂 "仂于亠从亳仄" 仗仂从仂仍亠仆亳亠仄, 于仂亳仄 亳 仗仂于亰仂仍亠于亳仄 于 仍仂于亳 仂于亠从仂亶 舒仆亳亠仍亳亞亳仂亰仆仂亶 仗仂仗舒亞舒仆亟, 亳 仆舒 亠亞仂亟仆仆亳亶 亟亠仆 亰舒仆亳仄舒ム亳仄 从仍ム亠于亠 仗仂 于 仗舒于亳亠仍于亠 亳 仗舒仍舒仄亠仆亠. 弌仂仂于亠于亠仆仆仂, 仗亠亟仍舒亞舒, 仂 "于亠从仂" 于 从仂仆亠从亠 仆舒亠亞仂 仗亠亠仂亟仆仂亞仂 仂弍亠于舒 从仂亠亠 仄仂亢仆仂 仂仗亠亟亠仍亳 从舒从 "仂于亠从仂".

亅仄亳仍 舒亳亟亳仆仂于 - 亟仂亠仆 从舒亠亟 舒仆仂仗仂仍仂亞亳亳, 仄亠亳从舒仆从仂亞仂 丕仆亳于亠亳亠舒 丶亠仆舒仍仆仂亶 亰亳亳. 亅仄亳仍 仗亠仗仂亟舒 舒仆仂仗仂仍仂亞亳 亠仍亳亞亳亳, 仄仂仍仂亟亢仆 从仍, 亞仂仂亟从 舒仆仂仗仂仍仂亞亳, 舒仆仂仗仂仍仂亞亳 仄亳亞舒亳亳 亳 亞仍仂弍舒仍亳亰舒亳亳, 舒 舒从亢亠 舒仆仂仗仂仍仂亞亳 舒亰于亳亳. 亞仂 亳仍亠亟仂于舒亠仍从亳亠 亳仆亠亠 于从仍ム舒ム 亠仍亳亞亳, 仄亳亞舒亳 亳 亞仂仂亟. 2007亞. 亅仄亳仍 亰舒亳亳仍 PhD 于 亞仂仂亟从仂仄 仗仍舒仆亳仂于舒仆亳亳 于 丕仆亳于亠亳亠亠 亠仍弍仆舒 于 于舒仍亳亳.

24 亠仆磡, 2014

亶亢舒从仆 仂亢仂弍亠从仂于舒

亳从 仂仄舒仆亳亰仄舒 亳 亞亠仂亳亰仄舒 于 亞亰舒仆亠 (仗仂 仂弍亳礆 7 舒仗亠仍 2010)

仂仍亠 亟于 舒从 仆舒亰于舒亠仄 亠于仂仍ム亳亶 24 舒舒 2005 亳 7 舒仗亠仍 2010 亞仂亟舒 于 亞亰舒仆亠 亳亟亠亳 仂 弍亟亠仄 舒亰于亳亳亳, 仂亰于亳于舒亠仄亠 仗仂仍亳亳亠从亳仄亳 仍亳亟亠舒仄亳, 舒亟亳亳仂仆仆仄亳 束仍亳舒仄亳損 亳 舒从舒亟亠仄亳亠从亳仄 仂仂弍亠于仂仄 从仍舒亟于舒ム 于 仂仗亠亟亠仍亠仆仆亠 亟亳从, 仂舒亢舒ム亳亠 仂亳仂从仍仆亠 亳 仗仂仍亳亳亠从亳亠 仗仂亠 仆舒磲 于仂仂弍舒亢舒亠仄仂亶 亠舒仍仆仂. 于舒 亟亳从舒 仂 亞亰从仂仄 仆仂仄舒亟亳亰仄亠 亳 舒亳仂仆舒仍仆 亞亠仂 仗仂于仂亳ム 亞仂亳亠 亟亳从亳亳 仆舒 仗仂礀亠仆亳亳 仗仂仍亠亟仆亳 仍亠. 仆舒仍亳亰 于仗仍亠仆亳亶 仗仂仍亳亳亠从亳 仍亳亟亠仂于, 仄舒亠亳舒仍仂于 亳仆亠仍仍亠从舒仍仆 亟亳从亳亶, 亳仆亠于 仗亠亟舒于亳亠仍礆亳 舒从舒亟亠仄亳亠从仂亞仂 仂仂弍亠于舒, 于亳亟亠亠仍礆亳 亳 舒仆亳从舒仄亳 舒仗亠仍从亳 仂弍亳亶 2010 仗仂亰于仂仍磳 于亠亢亟舒, 仂 仂弍仂亰仆舒亠仆仆亠 亟亳从 亠 仗仂磦仍亠仆亳亠 仗仂仍亳亳亠从仂亞仂 仂仄舒仆亳亰仄舒, 束从仂仆亳ム亠亞仂損 仆仂于 亠舒仍仆仂 亠亠亰 亳仂亳亠从 亠仂仗亠从亳于, 仂亟仆仂亶 仂仂仆 (于 亟亳从亠 仂 从亞亰舒 从舒从 仆仂仄舒亟舒) 亳 亟亠于舒仍于亳ム亠亞仂 亰仆舒亠仆亳亠 仆亠从仂仂 亠仆仆仂仆 从仂仆亠仗仂于 (于 亟亳从亠 仂 舒亳仂仆舒仍仆 亞亠仂).

亶亢舒从仆 仂亢仂弍亠从仂于舒 仗仂仍亳仍舒 亠仗亠仆 从舒仆亟亳亟舒舒 亳仍仂仂从亳 仆舒从 于 2007 亳 亰于舒仆亳亠 亟仂亠仆舒 于 2010 亞仂亟. 2010-2012 亞仂亟 舒于仂于舒仍舒 于 仗仂亠从亠 ReSET 束弌仂于亠从仂亠 于 仗仂于亠亟仆亠于仆仂亳損 仆亳舒 从仂亞仂 弍亠于舒. 2011-2013 亞仂亟 舒弍仂舒仍舒 仆舒亟 亳仍亠亟仂于舒仆亳亠仄 束仆舒亠仆亳亠 亞亠仂亳亠从仂亶 仄亠亳 于 从仂仆亠从亠 亞亰舒仆舒 (仗仂 仂弍亳礆 7 舒仗亠仍 2010)損 于 舒仄从舒 仗仂亠从舒 CARTI (Central Asian Research and Training Initiative) 仆亳舒 从仂亞仂 弍亠于舒. 2013 亞仂亟 磦仍磿舒 仗亳亞仍舒亠仆仆仄 仍亠从仂仂仄 仆舒 亠仗舒舒仄亠仆亠 弌仂亳舒仍仆仂亶 亳 仍仆仂亶 仆仂仗仂仍仂亞亳亳 于 丕仆亳于亠亳亠亠 丐ミ頴湖出覚黍出 (亠仄舒仆亳). 仆舒仂亠亠 于亠仄 舒弍仂舒亠 于 亠亢亟仆舒仂亟仆仂仄 仆亳于亠亳亠亠 于 丶亠仆舒仍仆仂亶 亰亳亳 仆舒 亠仗舒舒仄亠仆亠 亠亢亟仆舒仂亟仆 仂仆仂亠仆亳亶. 弌仂亟仆亳舒亠 从仍仆仂-亳仍亠亟仂于舒亠仍从亳仄 亠仆仂仄 束亶亞亳仆亠損, 个仂仆亟仂仄 弌仂仂-亞亰舒仆, 丕仆亳于亠亳亠仂仄 丐ミ頴湖出覚黍出, 仂亳亶从亳仄 亳仍仂仂从亳仄 仂弍亠于仂仄. 仂仗弍仍亳从仂于舒仆仂 仂从仂仍仂 40 仆舒仆 舒弍仂 (舒亠亶 亳 仗仂仂弍亳亶) 于 亞亰舒仆亠, 舒亰舒舒仆亠, 仂亳亳, 丐亳亳, 弌亳仆亞舒仗亠.

September 18, 2014

Pr. Madeleine Reeves油

Living from the nerves: deportability, indeterminacy and the feel of law in migrant Moscow

The condition of deportability has elicited considerable interest as a legal predicament facing migrant workers and an outcome of flexible labor regimes. Less attention has been given to the lived experience of vulnerability to forced removal, or to the way in which this condition of temporal uncertainty shapes migrants' encounters with state agents. Drawing on ethnography in Moscow among Kyrgyzstani migrant workers I show that in conditions of documentary uncertainty legal residence often depends upon successfully enacting a right to the city and the cultivation of friendly relations with district police officers. The predicament of deportability is often shot through with fear, exasperation, mutual suspicion and anger. But the particular dynamics of deportability and return that characterize the contemporary Russian migration regime mean that it is also often characterized by a sense of abandon and of the performativity of law itself. This paper explores living from the nerves as an ethnographic reality for Kyrgyzstani migrant workers and as an analytic for developing a more variegated account of state power and its affective resonances in contemporary Russia.

Bio: Madeleine Reeves is a Lecturer in Social Anthropology at the AI用丗算然 of Manchester and a member of the ESRC Centre for Research on Socio-Cultural Change. She has conducted research in Kyrgyzstan since 1999 on issues including language policy and education, place and ethnicity and migration and domestic economies. She taught at the department of Sociology at AUCA between 2000 and 2002, and in the department of Cultural Anthropology and Archaeology in 2005. She is the author of Border Work: Spatial Lives of the State in Rural Central Asia (Cornell 2014) and co-author with Alan De Young and Galina Valyaeva of Surviving the Transition? Case Studies of Schools and Schooling in the Kyrgyz Republic Since Independence (Information Age 2006).

September 10th, 2014

Peggy Reichel and Gulnora Iskandarova

Informal job placement in Kyrgyzstan: Role of brigadiers

Since the independency of Kyrgyzstan the major part of its labour market has become informal. In 2010 the estimated share of informal employment compared to overall employment was more than 70%. There are several reasons for its increase, especially the raised unemployment after the collapse of state industries, political instability and low salaries in formal jobs.

One interesting aspect of this development is that in the sectors where the share of informal employment is high there also exist processes of informal job matching. One of these groups conducting informal job matching are so called Brigadiers who connect field workers with farmers in the agricultural sector and builders with employers in the construction sector. They act as brokers, middlemen who get people together who are otherwise disconnected.

In this context it is interesting to find out who are those brigadiers, how do they act and what is their position in their social environment and in the informal labour market. Besides this it would also be interesting to research their connection to formal institutions.

In her presentation Peggy will outline her preliminary assumptions and will tell about her experiences and first findings of her first field trip to Talas. She will be accompanied by Gulnora, a student of Anthropology who assisted her during her field trip and who will also tell about her experiences in Talas.

Peggy Reichel has studied Sociology with her major in Sociology of Work in Chemnitz AI用丗算然 of Technology, Germany. She has lived and worked in Kyrgyzstan from 2010 until 2013 and visits the country frequently. She started the work at her PhD thesis in 2014 and just came back from her first field trip in the oblast of Talas.

Gulnora Iskandarova, 3-rd year student in Anthropology department, AUCA. She has ethnographic research experience from two field trips. In Mongolia, where she conducted the fieldwork for her major and where she studied Kazakh people and in the Talas region as an assistant of Peggy Reichel.

September 3, 2014

Yanti Hoelzchen

Religious resources: achieving and converting resources in Central Asia - Kyrgyzstan's new mosques

Since Kyrgyzstans independence, an increase in religious institutions and groups can be observed. This is especially obvious for Islamic institutions, and the construction of new mosques, of madrasas and the establishment of Islamic funds has been conspicuous especially after the turn of the millennium. How does this increase of Islamic institutions, and with it the growing number of people being in Islam, come about? And which kind of changes on a socio-cultural level does this entail? Being part of an interdisciplinary Research Center seeking to explore and re-conceptualize the notion of resources, the above mentioned PhD project aims at (1) looking into both the material and immaterial means that are required, acquired and transformed in order to establish and maintain institutions such as mosques and madrasas, and (2) at the socio-cultural dynamics that result from this engagement with these specific material and immaterial means.
In her presentation, Yanti will both outline the main assumptions of her PhD project as well as illustrate, how conducting research as an anthropologist in the field may look like.

Yanti Hoelzchen has studied Social and Cultural Anthropology as well as Japanese Studies at Tuebingen AI用丗算然, Germany. She first encountered Kyrgyzstan during a two-month fieldwork project from February to April 2009 in the village Tosor (Yssyk k旦l oblast) where she looked at the social and cultural role of the school for the village community. She has taken up her position as PhD candidate at the Collaborative Research Center 1070 ResourceCultures (funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG)) in October 2013 and has been conducting her fieldwork in Bishkek, Yssyk k旦l oblast, Osh and Jalal Abad since March 2014.

7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street
Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060

Tel.: +996 (312) 915000 + xt.
Fax: +996 (312) 915 028

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