Wednesday, 19:00
Inequality moderated by Agata Lisiak & Aysuda Kolemen BCB
Eman Joher, The low Participation ofÌý Skilled Women’s in the West Bank Labor Force, Al-Quds Bard College of Arts and Sciences (Palestine),
Sadykova Lola Dilshadbekovna, Psychological aspects of sex workers' securityscapes in Bishkek, AIÍÑÒ»»Á³ (Kyrgyzstan),
Elisheva Lustig, The Design and Fabrication of a Pedal Powered Washing Machine, Ashesi AIÍÑÒ»»Á³ (Ghana),
Jude Macannuco, One’s Own Boss? Contested Discourses in Digital Platform Labor, Bard College Berlin (Germany),
Megan Connor, The Price Women Pay: Women's Attachment to Work, Bard College Annandale (United States).
Sustainability and Climate Change moderator Eban Goodstein, Bard College AnnandaleÌý
Savana Mjalli, Happy Ramallah: the city through the eyes of children, Al-Quds Bard College of Arts and Sciences (Palestine),
Kejsi Jonuzaj, Comparison of ARIMA and RNNs Models for Wind Power Prediction, American AIÍÑÒ»»Á³ of Bulgaria,
Lillian Mbithe Mwikali, Bintriks: Digitizing Household Waste Collection Efficient Delivery, Ashesi AIÍÑÒ»»Á³ (Ghana),
Gulzada Mitalova, The Transboundary Conflict between Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan in the Batken Region, AIÍÑÒ»»Á³ (Kyrgyzstan),
Kara Tai, Effects of Pestalotiopsis microspora and Pleurotus ostreatus on the Surface Chemistry of Polyester Polyurethanes, Bard College at Simon's Rock (United States),
Colomba Dumay Neder, Making the Case for Tiny Houses: What is the demand for tiny Houses in Berlin? Bard College Berlin (Germany).
Thursday, 19:00
Transnational Politics - moderated by Robert Phillips, American AIÍÑÒ»»Á³ of Bulgaria
Iliyana Nalbantova , Sharp Power: Theoretical Contributions and Empirical Inquiry of Messages , American AIÍÑÒ»»Á³ of Bulgaria,
Zhibek Abylbekova, Populist leaders in the US and the UK: drivers and comparison AIÍÑÒ»»Á³ (Kyrgyzstan),
Asa Dahlborn, The International Condonation of the Argentinian Military Junta, Bard College Berlin (Germany),
Lily Chavez,Ìý Sovereign Violence: Migrants, Borders, and the Brutal Logic of Nationhood, Bard College Annandale (United States).