Kyrgyz Afghan Cultural Exchange Program 2.0
November 14, 2024
On October 11-13, AUCA Business School successfully held the second round of the Kyrgyz Afghan Cultural Exchange Program (KACEP 2.0).
Directed by Bermet Talasbek kyzy, leading Strategic development of Business School, KACEP 2.0 is aimed at further cooperation and building friendship between Kyrgyz and Afghan Students from AUCA and Bishkek State AIÍÑÒ»»Á³, exploring culture, history, art, and cuisine of Kyrgyzstan and Afghanistan.
Participants engaged in various activities including Afghan and kyrgyz cuisine dive and wedding ceremony reenactments, yurt assembly and shyrdak carpet making, dancing and music.
This project is made possible thanks to Michael Freese, Dean of Students, and @spiritamerica's Afghan Future Campaign, supporting the education of Afghans in Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Lebanon, Iraq, and Qatar. Through the Afghan Future Campaign, AUCA and Spirit of America are working together to support Afghan students studying in Bishkek and enrich their experiences.
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