Phone: +996 (312) 915000 ext. 326, 327
Email: tspc@auca.kg
Address: 7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060
"International experience on protecting of labor migrants' rights and its application to Kyrgyzstan"
Kathryn Anderson, Vanderbilt AIÍÑÒ»»Á³, USA
"Best practices in assisting labor migrants from Kyrgyzstan in Russia"
Dmitry Poletaev, Migration Research Center, Moscow, Russia
"Analyses of current situation in the sphere of labor migration in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Practices in
protecting labor migrants' rights"
Asiya Kalieva, PF "Public Opinion", Almaty, Kazakhstan
"Protecting rights of labor migrants from Tajikistan"
Shukhrat Latifov, PA "Center on psychological health HIV/AIDS", Tajikistan
"International agreements of the Kyrgyz Republic on Labor migration. Best practices of organized labor migration in
the case of South Korea"
Chyngyz Tabyldiev, Center for Emloyment of Kyrgyzstan Citizens Abroad, Ministry of Labor, Migration and Youth of
the Kyrgyz Rebublic
"International mechanisms in protecting labor migrants rights: multilateral, regional and bilateral instruments"
Asel Akmatova, IOM, Bishkek
"Problems and difficulties of labor migrants/citizens of Kyrgyz Republic in the territory of Russian Federation"
Akylbek Tashbulatov, PF "International Protection Assistance Center"
"Best practices and results of the Civic-Partner Platform 'Central Asia on the Move'"
Svetlana Bashtovenko, PA "Resource Center for Elderly"