Preparing for discussion classes demands more time and effort than getting ready for lecture classes. Most of the work is done before class: time is spent reading, evaluating, taking notes.
1.Read the assignment.
1.1 Class discussions are usually about a particular topic, and there are usually assigned readings.
1.2 The first step is to read carefully the assigned material.
2.Make notes for discussion.
2.1 Make notes on points about which you agree or disagree. This gives ideas to talk about if you are asked for your reaction to the topic.
2.2 Noting good and poor examples will also help you react to the topic.
2.3 Note ideas, points, concepts you do not understand. Use these notes as guides to formulate questions.油
Adapted from K. T. McWhorter (1986) College Reading and Study Skills油
This information was taken from the following web source:
Tips for Effective Class Participation from students of油
"We will show you why is class participation important? Why it's hard? And how to do it effectively. By sharing your learning experience, your enhancing the learning experience of everyone in the class. (Group Members: Adi Asali, MBA '17, Leonardo Cabral, MSx '16, Kathleen O'Malley, MBA '16, Stephanie Gaufin, MBA '16)" Please find the link below