The Software Engineering Minor is designed for non-computer majors who wish to gain a practical grounding in Software Engineering without pursuing a detailed theoretical background.油 It comprises a selection of courses that are more practical in nature than theoretical.油 As such, the Software Engineering minor serves as a good base for non-computer specialists in post-AUCA life.
The Software Engineering Minor requires 42 credit hours: five compulsory courses, plus two other computer courses, to be chosen from a recommended list.
油Required Courses for admits 2017-2020 |
油Required Courses for admits 2021 |
油Required Courses for admits 2022- |
Credits |
Structural programming |
-Structural programming | Introduction to Programming |
油6 credits |
Object Oriented programming |
-Object Oriented programming | Object Oriented programming |
油6 credits |
Algorithms and Data Structures |
-Algorithms and Data Structures | Principles of Computing systems |
油6 credits |
Computer Architecture |
-Computer Architecture | Data Structures |
油6 credits |
Algorithm Analysis |
-Algorithm Languages I | Algorithms |
油6 credits |
Elective course |
-Elective course | Elective course |
油6 credits |
Elective courses:
Software Engineering minors must have the permission of their department heads and the Software Engineering Department chair.油 Students must have a GPA of 2.5 or higher and a C- or above in all courses that will count towards the minor. Sixty percent of the work towards the minor must be upper-level computer courses.