Phone: +996 (312) 915000 ext. 326, 327
Email: tspc@auca.kg
Address: 7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060
Date: April 28 – May 4, 2012
Gaps in migration legislation of RK allow labor migrants from Kyrgyzstan stay in Almaty after deportation, - IAD Almaty In Russian: or here.
In 2012 4 thousand residents of Southern Kazakhstan to be employed within Industrialization Program In Russian: or here.
Labor Ministry of Kazakhstan determines poverty line for 2nd quarter of 2012 In Russian: or here.
Cost of living in Kazakhstan grows by 0.1% in April In Russian: or here.
Average salary in Northern Kazakhstan reaches $446 In Russian: or here. |
President A.Atambaev greets Kyrgyzstanis on Labor Day In Russian: or here.
Government sets quota for foreigners coming to Kyrgyzstan for employment (list) In Russian: or here.
Kyrgyzstan hopes to solve issue of Kyrgyzstanis 90-days stay in Kazakhstan, - Head of External Migration Department at Foreign Affairs Ministry of KR (interview) In Russian: or here.
Trade Unions of Kyrgyzstan urge all workers and laborers to unity In Russian: .
“Stop to Human Trafficking!” projects launched in south of Kyrgyzstan with support of IOM In Russian: .
Kyrgyzstan labor market continues to be surplus, - U.Abdullaeva, Accounts Chamber auditor In Russian: or here.
Labor resources of Kyrgyzstan grow 9% for the last four years In Russian: .
Urmat Jamgyrchiev, representative lawyer of Zamandash Association in Sol-Iletsk: “Government should pay attention to raising awareness in citizens going abroad for work” In Russian: .
88.5%, or 12 thousand, graduates of technical and vocational education get employed in Kyrgyzstan, - U.Abdullaeva, Accounts Chamber auditor In Russian: or here.
Unemployed youth actively seeks for jobs in Karakol Vacancy Fair In Russian: .
Ekaterina Horoshman: Repatriation of one child costs nearly thousand dollars In Russian: .
Presentation of two books held in Moscow In Russian: .
23 infants abandoned by Kyrgyzstani women stay in Moscow Baby Houses, - KR Social Development Ministry’s representative In Russian: or here.
Group of Kyrgyzstanis gets infected by meningitis, one dies In Russian: .
Migrants still dying In Russian: .
Zamandash Association Championship Cup held in Moscow In Russian: .
Mini-football national team of Local National Cultural Autonomy “Mekendesh” In Russian: .
Tiumen migrants celebrate Labor Day In Russian: . |
Tajikistan Migration Service and Red Crescent Society sign agreement on cooperation on migration In Russian: .
Tajikistan and Qatar sign treaty on labor migration of Tajik citizens In Russian: .
UN urges Tajikistan protect labor migrants rights In Russian: .
IOM to present its activities in Dushanbe In Russian: .
FMS recognizes success of Dushanbe experiment on work permit check In Russian: .
Labor migration regulation issues between Tajikistan and China discussed in Dushanbe In Russian: .
Tajikistan Migration Service to launch Labor Migrants Training Center In Russian: .
HIV/AIDS in labor prevention In Russian: .
Potential Tajik labor migrants to study German language In English: .
Expert: Migration amnesty in RF is excellent opportunity for Tajik migrants to get legalized In Russian: .
Bobonazarova: Help should be provided to families of migrants died in Russia In Russian: .
No single case of HIV-infected registered in Baldjuvan raion for 9 years In Russian: .
Millions of labor migrants expand fight for power in Tajikistan in Russian territory In Russian: .
Russian firm head pays back migrants’ salaries In Russian: .
Head of Islamic Party meets with Tajik labor migrants in Moscow In Russian: .
Tajik human rights activists present negative impact of labor migration in St. Petersburg In Russian:
Bodies of Tajikistanis died in Ufa protecting a local resident sent home In Russian: .
Tajik singer devotes a second song to Vladimir Putin In Russian: . |
Uzbek migrants manage to get their salaries of more than two million rubles In Russian: .
Three Uzbek women charged with human trafficking and prostitution in Dubai In Russian: or here. |
RF prepares amnesty for migrants In Russian: .
RF Security Council holds session on migration policy In Russian: .
New Labor Code of Russia In Russian: .
Russia’s FMS does not see necessity of amnesty for illegal migrants In Russian: .
Russia to follow American migration policy In Russian: .
Nearly 12 million residents of Russia has unregulated status, - “Migration XXI century” Foundation In Russian: .
Mechanisms to protect migrants and employers sought in Yekaterinburg In Russian: .
For migrants-violators borders to be closed for 10 years In Russian: .
Prosecutors unsatisfied with Vyborg police’s work with migrants In Russian: .
Volgograd churches to open courses for migrants In Russian: .
Scenic speech teacher to hold a Russian language class for migrants In Russian: .
25 thousand migrants to come to Khabarovsk this year In Russian: .
Deadline for application to Special Prize festival extended In Russian: .
St Petersburg students to sing Uzbek songs In Russian: . |
CA labor migrants to know of labor migration risks through table game In Russian: . |
Candidate to Prime Minister post in Greece to deport migrants massively In Russian: .
France to deport 40 thousand illegal migrants till year end In Russian: .
Belarus border guards reveal illegal migration channel from India to EU In Russian: .
Switzerland closes border for labor migrants from EU In Russian: . |
Mob punishment over women in Russia and reaction of state bodies In Russian: .
Round-table: “Children and mothers issues in labor migration in Russia” In Russian: .
One for all and all against one In Russian: .
Little work dorks In Russian: .
Gastarbeiter get legalizes in private In Russian: .
“Ural House” assist Kyrgyzstanis in learning Ural economy In Russian: .
Experts: Labor migrants have opportunities in Russia’s small business In Russian: .
“Sova” Center on racism and xenophobia in April 2012 In Russian: .
Will Qatar replace Russia for Tajik migrants? In Russian: .
Tajik migrants still get cheated in Russia In Russian: .
New subject to befriend children In Russian: .
Migration of dead bodies In Russian: .
A.Meshkov: How I was Russian Gastarbeiter in Tajikistan. Part I In Russian: . |
“Handbook on Migration Terminology”, Moscow, 2011, IOM In English: here. |