Phone: +996 (312) 915000 ext. 326, 327
Email: tspc@auca.kg
Address: 7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060
Date: December 14 - 27, 2015 Ìý
Crisis will trigger labor migration In Russian: . |
Ìý National Bank predicts a further reduction in remittances In Russian: . Ìý Migration in Kyrgyzstan continues to grow In Russian: . Ìý NISS presented results of Extended Migration Profile of the Kyrgyz Republic In Russian: . Ìý Migration balance in Kyrgyzstan decreased – Migration Centre of the Kyrgyz Republic In Russian: . Ìý Counselor of the Russian Embassy in KR: "Black List" of Russia to be gradually liquidated In Russian: . Ìý Migrant workers from Kyrgyzstan get new passports only at home In Russian: . Ìý Volume of remittances declined by 22.1% In Russian: .Ìý Ìý Chinese migrants in Kyrgyzstan in 4 times more than other foreigners In Russian: . Ìý Saltanat Amanova: Migrants will not solve problems alone In Russian: . Ìý Nargiza Eshtaeva: We are engaged in the subject of migration for many years In Russian: . Ìý Migrants from Kyrgyzstan are dissatisfied with the work of the General Consulate of Kyrgyzstan in Kazakhstan In Russian: . Ìý International Migrants Day: Meeting of Big Public Council and Tele Conference, with the participation of Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Russia In Russian: . Ìý Kyrgyz migrants in Russia in the top three remittances In Russian: . Ìý 40% of migration flow from Kyrgyzstan - women - study In Russian: . Ìý Number of officially registered Kyrgyz citizens in Russia is 43 thousand In Russian: . Ìý 10 thousand jobs created in Kyrgyzstan in 2015 In Russian: . Ìý Kyrgyzstan proposed to establish a quota for 14.4 thousand foreign specialists for 2016 In Russian: . Ìý Free medical check-up provided for workers from Kyrgyzstan in the market "Kazyna" in AlmatyÌý In Russian: . Ìý |
Ìý EU in Tajikistan funded project on migrant workers' rights In Russian: . Ìý Participation in the Inter-Regional Conference on "Innovative attitude in the service of employment" in St. Petersburg In Russian: . Ìý Economist: situation with remittances in 2016 will not change much In Russian: . Ìý EDB report: Migration for Tajiks in Russia today became a prestigious In Russian: . Ìý How migrants can get temporary residence permits in Russia in 2016? In Russian: . Ìý Russia defends the rights of its citizens in Tajikistan In Russian: . Ìý Remittances from Russia to Tajikistan for 9 months decreased by 65.1% In Russian: . Ìý "MegaFon" helps Tajik families to stay in touch with relatives working in Russia In Russian: . Ìý Dushanbe and St. Petersburg signed an agreement on employment of citizens of RT in St. Petersburg enterprises In Russian: . Ìý Meetings with labor migrants from Tajikistan holding in regions of Russia In Russian: . Ìý Dushanbe mayor orders to be prepared for massive return of labor migrants In Russian: . Ìý IOM held in Dushanbe a series of events dedicated to migrants In Russian: . Ìý Tajik migrants become more in Kazakhstan and in Russia - less In Russian: . Ìý Trend of reducing remittances to Tajikistan to continue next year - expert In Russian: . Ìý |
Ìý Money transfers from Russia to Uzbekistan is rapidly decreasing In Russian: . Ìý Uzbek migrants instead of going to Russia choose South Korea and the UAE In Russian: . Ìý Tashkent and Moscow prepare agreement on migrant workers In Russian: . Ìý Homeland Calling: migrants from Russia back to Samarkand In Russian: . Ìý |
Ìý Quota for foreign workers in Russia reduced by a quarter In Russian: . Ìý International Migrants Day In Russian: . Ìý Russia entered the top three in remittances In Russian: . Ìý FMS made a gift for migrants working in Russia In Russian: . Ìý Migrants to adapt to St. Petersburg In Russian: . Ìý Microloan offered for migrant workers in Moscow Ìý In Russian: . Ìý Next year rules for obtaining medical certificate for migrants to change in Moscow In Russian: . Ìý Number of migrants from Uzbekistan to Russia rose to 20 thousand people In Russian: . Ìý During 2015 flow of migrant workers in Moscow increased by 40% In Russian: . Ìý |
International News
Ìý Experts say the number of migrants for the year exceeds 250 million In Russian: . Ìý International Migrants Day 2015: Worldwide #IamaMigrant Candlelight Vigil to Remember Lost Migrant Lives In English: . ÌýÌý |
Ìý Guarantee education for children of migrant workers In Russian: . Ìý Migration laws of 2016. What's new in law of RF for foreigners? In Russian: . Ìý Fresh meat, emotional conversations and parties: the dream of migrants In Russian: . Ìý The voices of migrants: "We are not criminals" In Russian: . Ìý Does the demand for construction workers from Uzbekistan increase in Russia ÌýIn Russian: . Ìý Expert: Russia can cope without migrants, but why? In Russian: . Ìý New ILO figures show 150 million migrants in the global workforce In English: . Ìý Guest workers departed from Russia to the New Year's holiday In Russian: . Ìý Modern immigration processes in Kyrgyzstan In Russian: . Ìý Crisis of remittances reached Kyrgyz economy In Russian: Ìý Women give migrants housework In Russian: . Ìý Migrants without employment contract equate to slaves In Russian: . Ìý Migrant workers will not be able to receive pensions In Russian: . Ìý Jamila Kaparova: Migration affects all spheres of life In Russian: . Ìý Agreement on migrant workers - recognition of their values In Russian: . Ìý Addressing labor migrants from Uzbekistan suggested itself for a long time In Russian: . Ìý Silence of migrant women In Russian: . Ìý |
Ìý Glossary on migrant. Film â„–1 "Migration" In Russian: . Ìý New anniversary issue of "Voice of Tajik", "Ovozi Tochikistoniho" â„–81 In Russian: . Ìý Measuring impact and the most influential works in Migration Studies In English: . Ìý |
Ìý Migrant’s Week In English: . Ìý |