Phone: +996 (312) 915000 ext. 326, 327
Email: tspc@auca.kg
Address: 7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060
Date: June 15-21, 2012
41 thousand unemployed get jobs due to RK employment program within 5 months In Russian:
"Nur Otan" offices explain "Employment 2020" Program - SKO In Russian:
Job Fair to be held in Ust-Kamenogorsk in the framework of an open day for citizens on issues of "Employment 2020" implementation In Russian:
Teachers’ salary in Kazakhstan to increase twice-thrice by 2015 In Russian: or here. |
Kyrgyzstan listed in countries with high proportion of remittances to GDP In Russian:
Heads of Kyrgyz people unions and the Social Fund of the KR delegation discuss migrants’ pension insurance in Moscow In Russian: or here.
Kyrgyz Parliament offers to introduce compulsory life insurance for citizens traveling abroad In Russian:
Russian federal agency on cooperation to hold series of video-conferences for those wishing to resettle in Russia In Russian:
Deputy A. Keldibekov: Kyrgyzstan annually receives more than $ 3 billion through remittances from labor migrants that makes up a major part of the economy In Russian: or here.
Representatives of public organizations discuss protection of migrants’ rights and interests in the Kyrgyz Embassy in Russia In Russian: or here.
Akhmatbek Keldibekov: Migrant workers show who we need to integrate In Russian:
Vladimir Zhirinovsky: LDPR will demand to immediately deport all Kyrgyz migrant workers if court rules Farafonov to jail In Russian:
Kyrgyzstanis in Korea establish "Birimdik" organization In Russian: or here.
Film "Empty House", which caused discontent in Kyrgyzstan, continues to take part in various international competitions In Russian: or here. |
Moscow Oblast department of Federal Migration Service ready to assist Tajik migrants in their legalization In Russian: .
Tajik Railway reduces number of routes: Dushanbe-Moscow In Russian: .
Tajikistan may cancel migration cards for citizens of Kyrgyzstan In Russian: .
Islamic Center head urges Tajik labor migrants to follow Sharia rules In Russian: .
U.S. State Department reduces number of Tajik participants in Work&Travel Program In Russian: .
Poetry Night of Mumin Kanoat in Moscow In Russian: . |
Remittances from Russia to Uzbekistan reached 126.9 billion rubles in 2011 In Russian: or here.
Good outcome of consistent work In Russian: .
Creation of new work places under control of deputies In English: .
Support for young entrepreneurs In Russian: .
From college to the work place In Russian: . |
Bill: Migrants who violated migration legislation banned from entering Russia for 10 years In Russian: or here.
Russia ranks third in the world in terms of volume of remittances due to migrants In Russian: .
FMS Public Council advised not to fight against migrants In Russian: .
Foreign entrepreneurs and domestic workers to get preference in receiving Russian citizenship and work In Russian: .
Primorye budget should not pay illegal migrants for child delivery In Russian: .
Moscow Region Head praises migration service performance In Russian: .
Migration wave to spread in Russia In Russian: .
Pozhigailo believes the regions should actively attract migrants In Russian: .
Interdepartmental migration committee established in Ryazan Oblast In Russian: .
"White Crane" in Kuzbass teaches migrants’ children and their parents Russian In Russian: .
Gastarbeiter to replenish Sakhalin Pension Fund In Russian: .
Citizen meeting participants in Krasnodar request police to check migrant workers In Russian: . |
Visa rules set to be eased in Central Asia In English: .
Global human trafficking report condemns Central Asian states In English: . |
International News
No more deportation of young immigrants from the U.S. In Russian: .
Youth employment In English: . |
Karomat Sharipov asks Vladimir Putin to introduce visa regime between Russia and Tajikistan In Russian: .
Evgeny Kuzmin: Russia tightens rules for labor migrants In Russian: .
Illegal migration issue to be solved In Russian: .
Not all workers are equally useful. A new migration concept - Report In Russian: .
ILO says: invest in youth or lose a generation In English: .
When is language a barrier? In Russian: .
Will Gastarbeiter stay in Russia? In Russian: .
Will migrants solve demographic problems of Russia? ("BBCRussian.com", UK) In Russian: .
Who is leaving Kazakhstan and why? In Russian: .
Economic potential of Tajik labor migrants in Russia In Russian: .
"Mekendeshter". A surgeon from Germany Bakyt Kobegenov. In Russian: . |
“Your Right. Migration”, No 12, June 2012 In Russian: .
Trafficking in Persons Report 2012 In English: .
Provisional Record No. 26 - Special sitting - Tribute to the Director-General of the International Labor Office In English: . |
IPP to discuss illegal labor migration from Kyrgyzstan to the U.S. In Russian: .
Work-Global Forum In Russian: .
MPI Event: Developing a road map for engaging diasporas in development In English: .
19th International Conference of Labor Statisticians In English: . |