Phone: +996 (312) 915000 ext. 326, 327
Email: tspc@auca.kg
Address: 7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060
Date: October 31 – November 13, 2014 Ìý
Significant policy factor In Russian: . Ìý Kazakhstan trade unions to protect local employees rights In Russian: . Ìý Thousands of foreigners in SKO received job permissions from the beginning of the year In Russian: . Ìý Qualified Kazakhs leave the country In Russian: Ìý Kazakh hotel owners to be obliged to inform the MIA on foreign visitors In Russian: Ìý |
Single coordinating body for migration needed to be established in Kyrgyzstan In Russian: . Ìý Kyrgyz citizens can seek employment in Russia without quotas In Russian: . Ìý It is necessary to establish an intergovernmental working group on labor migration within the CU - Kanat Sultanaliev In Russian: . Ìý Steady trend of Kyrgyz labor migrants outflow from Kazakhstan due to the tightening of immigration laws In Russian: . Ìý Procedure for the exam on Russian planned to simplify for Kyrgyz migrants in Russia In Russian: . Ìý Cases when some firms offer services on exclusion from the Russian FMS "black list" increased in Kyrgyzstan In Russian: . Ìý Since the beginning of the year 2.6 thousand came for permanent residence in Kyrgyzstan, 7.6 thousand left Kyrgyzstan In Russian: . Ìý Kyrgyz migrants in Kazakhstan received about 500 passports from the beginning of year In Russian: . Ìý About 60 thousand Kyrgyz people working in the south-eastern part of Kazakhstan In Russian: . Ìý Problems of internal migrants discussed in Osh city Mayor’s office In Russian: . Ìý Mechanism of internal migrants registration by place of residence developed in Osh city In Russian:. Ìý Video for migrants from Kyrgyzstan to shoot in Yekaterinburg In Russian: . Ìý Envoy in Batken oblast and Russian General Consul discussed labor migration issue In Russian: . Ìý Co-Chair of the PF "Russian Labor migrants Movement" E.Zhaychiev included in the "black list" In Russian: . Ìý Ombudsmen of Kyrgyzstan and Russia agreed to cooperate In Russian: . Ìý Conditions of labor migrants stay in the framework of the EAEC In Russian: . Ìý Biometric data collection centers of Kyrgyz migrants to open in Russia and Kazakhstan - SRS In Russian: . Ìý Kyrgyzstanis in Russia face problems because of migration cards In Russian: . Ìý Kyrgyz migration representative office consider to be open in Moscow In Russian: . Ìý Kyrgyz citizens in RF began to pass a test on language In Russian: .ÌýÌý Ìý Remittances of Kyrgyz migrants from Russia increased for 2.3% In Russian: . Ìý Manual for migrants in the Kyrgyz language to publish in Moscow In Russian:Ìý. Ìý |
Remittances from Russia to Tajikistan decline In Russian: . Ìý Representatives of the immigration authorities of Tajikistan acquainted with the conditions of testing migrants In Russian: . Ìý Tajikistan deported 111 foreigners In Russian: . Ìý Dushanbe and Saint Petersburg sign Memo on labor migration cooperation In Russian: . Ìý Khabarovsk invites to work the citizens of Tajikistan In Russian:. Ìý Institutions of Russia ready to test migrants In Russian: .Ìý Ìý |
Labor migrants from Uzbekistan began to massively settle Crimea In Russian: . Ìý Senators approved the state budget and job creation programs In Russian: .Ìý Ìý Future doctors told about labor migration issues In Russian: . Ìý |
Inquiry from violators of immigration laws to tighten in Russia In Russian: . Ìý State Duma substitute quotas for patents for migrants In Russian: . Ìý HSE: Russia does not need educated migrants In Russian: . Ìý From the beginning of year migrants acquired more than 600 thousand patents to work in Moscow In Russian: . Ìý Duma oblige FMS to work directly with migrant workers in 2016 In Russian: . Ìý Migrants to work in Russia under the new rules In Russian: . Ìý State Duma obliged migrants from CIS to pay personal income tax in Russia advance In Russian: . Ìý State Duma to discuss deoffshorization, patents for migrants and the media in the Crimea In Russian: . Ìý Five leading Russian universities to accept migrants exam in Russian language, history and the basics of Russian law In Russian: . Ìý RF Government introduces new restrictions on the work of migrants In Russian: . Ìý |
In the CIS countries to introduce an electronic map of the migrant worker In Russian: . Ìý |
International News
Swiss vote again on the issue of migrants In Russian: . Ìý Independent: migrants from the EU brought the British economy £ 20 billion over 10 years In Russian: . Ìý Human rights activists accused Qatar in creating poor conditions for migrant workers In Russian: . Ìý |
Emigrating youth of Kazakhstan: is everything that bad? In Russian: . Ìý Is there need to expel migrants from Russia? In Russian: . Ìý Role of Islam in the lives of migrants from Central Asia in Moscow In Russian: . Ìý "Moscow broadcasts migrant-phobia for the whole country" In Russian: . Ìý Migration of population in Russia – 2014: where are most migrants? In Russian: . Ìý UAE: 5 things about a new country - the dream of labor migrants And why Ukrainians go to work there too In Russian: . Ìý Migrant household worker sends home an average of 448 $ from Moscow, from Kazakhstan – 168$ In Russian: . Ìý Uzbek labor migration from southern Kyrgyzstan to Russia and its impact on gender relations In Russian: . Ìý Features of the implementation of migration processes and their impact on the socio-economic and demographic development of Kyrgyzstan In Russian: . Ìý How will the entry of KR to the CU affect migrants lives? In Russian: . Ìý Migrants at gunpoint scams In Russian: . Ìý Unemployed people from the south of Kazakhstan moved to EKR in search of work In Russian: . Ìý Russian labor market for migrants: who is demanded more? In Russian: . Ìý Who needs migrants’ children? In Russian: . Ìý Kyrgyzstan: leave and no need to return In Russian: . Ìý Kyrgyzstan would become a successful state In Russian: . Ìý Let's change the narrative on migration In English: . Ìý |
"Migration XXI Century" Independent News and Analysis Journal, â„– 25, September-October 2013 In Russian: . Ìý ILO Research News 1/2014 In English: . Ìý |
Erasmus Mundus Master in Migration and Intercultural Relations In English: . Ìý Labor migrant: to prepare and pass the tests in advance In Russian: . Ìý Labor migrant: to learn the Russian language independently In Russian: . Ìý The Certificate needed for employment to be approved In Russian: . Ìý Competition for the best coverage in the media lifestyle of migrant workers from Kyrgyzstan In Russian: . Ìý |