Phone: +996 (312) 915000 ext. 326, 327
Email: tspc@auca.kg
Address: 7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060
Date:March 06 -19,2015
More than 200 thousand jobs to create in Kazakhstan In Russian: .
UN officials to discuss migration issues of Central Asia in Astana In Russian: .
Employment and coverage of citizens with the "Roadmap employment 2020" activities in 2014 In Russian: .
Kyrgyz government approved a draft agreement on the presence of KR citizens on the territory of the RF In Russian: .
Migrants from Kyrgyzstan receive preference in RF after joining the EAEC In Russian: .
World Bank is ready to assist the KR Government to create jobs for returning migrants In Russian: .
In Jogorku Kenesh offer to convene a special session devoted to the problems of migrant In Russian: .
Ombudsman spoke about the difficulties of internal migrant workers In Russian: .
Professional Advice: Rules of stay of migrant workers in Russia In Russian: .
Internal migration account for rising crime in Bishkek In Russian:.
Social issues related to migration, and their solutions discussed in village Toguz-Bulak of Leilek district In Russian: .
Migrant workers from Talas oblast for 2014 remitted 1442874.3 KGS In Russian: .
Government urged to take action on immigration amnesty of citizens in the Russian Federation In Russian: .
STS developed the concept of the automated information system "Migration" In Russian: .
Kyrgyz government approved a memorandum of providing human resources to Korea In Russian: .
Lectures for civil servants on "International relations, labor migration and protection of migrant workers' held in Bishkek In Russian: .
Adverse living conditions of migrants in Russia lead to diseases In Russian: .
As part of the EAEC for migrants from Kyrgyzstan abolished patents In Russian: .
More than 190 thousand Kyrgyz citizens staying in Russia with immigration laws violations In Russian: .
Number of Kyrgyz citizens in Russia decreased by 56.8 thousand in February In Russian: .
2 108 families live with children in Osh whose parents are abroad in labor migration In Russian: .
Training on "rules when traveling abroad" conducted in Talas oblast In Russian: .
"Do not stay on the sidelines, help migrant children!" to host in the south for children in kindergartens In Russian: .
Mostly divorcing families in Osh with migrants In Russian: .
IMF predicts a sharp drop in remittances for Tajikistan In Russian: .
Kayumov: remittances reduce slows GDP growth in Tajikistan In Russian: .
Negative effects of migration discussed in the northern Tajikistan In Russian: .
Tajik Ambassador to Russia answered the questions of Tajik migrants In Russian: .
Children of migrant workers from Khatlon to take in the custody In Russian: .
Tajik migrant workers returning to Russia to work In Russian: .
Workers from Tajikistan positively marked in Russia In Russian: .
Growth of drug trafficking in connection with the return of migrants expected in Tajikistan In Russian: .
More than 83,000 Tajik left the country in Jan-Feb this year In Russian: .
ILO: Uzbekistan is stepping up efforts to create new jobs In Russian: .
Remittances to Uzbekistan from Russia decreased by 10% In Russian: .
Vladimir Putin signed amendments to the law on the legal status of migrants In Russian: .
Federation Council approved a bill to extend the period of validity of patents for migrant workers In Russian: .
Migration centers system to create in Russia In Russian: .
Many migrants are unable to pay the "entrance" to the Russian labor market - expert In Russian: .
For market of Russia cross-border remittances in 2015, predicting a reduction of up to 30% In Russian: .
FMS of Russia: More migrants came, less patents formalized In Russian: .
Western Union: the Russian market of remittances back in the 1990th In Russian: .
FMS: 98% of the state program of compatriots’ resettlement citizens of the CIS In Russian: .
Migrant workers in Moscow to extend the validity of patents for 2014 In Russian: .
FMS: new patents for foreigners in Russia brought to the budget over 1.6 billion rubles In Russian: .
The volume of remittances from Russia to Uzbekistan decreased by 10%, in Tajikistan – 6% In Russian: .
International News
IOM: International Women's Day 2015 In English: .
The influx of illegal migrants in the EU in 2015 increased by 250% In Russian: .
What is the "rule of 90/180" for migrants in Russia, or why "entry-exit" is disallowed In Russian: .
Left to Russia and did not return ... In Russian: .
Millions of migrants threaten conversion to illegals. Whose fault? In Russian: .
Need to fight for work In Russian: .
Joining the EAEC help migrants In Russian: .
The RF police press migrants In Russian: .
Russia: number of visitors from Central Asia is gradually reduced In Russian: .
Patent from the transition In Russian: .
Migrant’s way In Russian: .
Tajikistan. The consequences of migration: abandoned wives and broken families - Galim Faskhutdinov In Russian: .
Moscow journalists figure out laws of "underground empire of migrants" In Russian:.
Migration can prevent ambulatory treatment of tuberculosis In Russian:.
Konstantin Romodanovsky: no compact residence of migrants in Russia and no more In Russian: .
Migration and factor of Eurasian Economic Union In Russian: .
Olga Kirillova: New demands disciplined migrants in Russia In Russian: .
Uzbek pensioners leaving for more than a month to be punished In Russian: . |
Program Newsletter on Combat People Trafficking in Central Asia, October - December 2014. In Russian: .
IOM Migration Research Activities 2014 In English: .
New Issue of “Your Right. Migration” № 6, March 2015 In Russian: .
New Issue of “Compatriots” № 3, March 2015 In Russian: .
Presentation at the Kazakh Humanitarian Law AI» (KazHLU) "Responding to mixed migration flows in Central Asia" In Russian: .
How to check a patent for a job? In Russian: .
Hotline on the exam for migrants In Russian: .