Phone: +996 (312) 915000 ext. 326, 327
Email: tspc@auca.kg
Address: 7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060
Date:May 01- 14,2015
5746 new jobs created in Astana for 4 months In Russian: .
570 people want to obtain citizenship of Kazakhs Republic In Russian: .
During 3.5 years 461 thousand Kazakhstanis were employed under the program employment roadmap In Russian: . |
Government approved the three protocols of accession of Kyrgyzstan to the EAEU In Russian: .
Kyrgyz migrant workers are concerned about the postponement of the accession of Kyrgyzstan to the EAEU In Russian: .
State program on migration policy presents in Bishkek In Russian: .
Kyrgyzstan to host an information campaign about the rules of movement and employment of citizens in the framework of the EAEU In Russian: .
Prime Minister asked the Ministry of Labor to enhance protection of migrants In Russian: .
Ministry of Labor reported on preferences for migrants from Kyrgyzstan after joining the EAEU In Russian: .
Ex-President Otunbaeva took part in the work of the Advisory Council by Director of the International Labor Organization In Russian: .
Ministers counsel - migrants wait In Russian: .
Migrants have additional trouble on driving permits In Russian: .
From Bishkek and Chui region migrates the least of Kyrgyzstan In Russian: .
Number of Kyrgyz migrants in Russia after the ratification of the agreement EAEU grows by 80 thousand - Ministry of Labor In Russian: .
505 thousand Kyrgyz work in Russia - Ministry of Labor In Russian: .
About 77 thousand citizens of Kyrgyzstan in the "black list" of the FMS of Russia In Russian: . |
Tajik Ambassador in Russia introduced the new head of the mission of the migration department in Moscow In Russian: .
Employees of migration service of Sougt monitored market of migrants In Russian: .
ADB: Volume of remittances to Tajikistan continue to decline In Russian: .
Amnesty of Tajiks previously deported from Russia to discuss in Tajikistan In Russian: .
Only 1 of 4 able-bodied citizens can find work in Tajikistan In Russian: . |
Ministry of Labor more to delve into the problem of lack of jobs In Russian: .
The role of banks in providing employment In Russian: . |
Head of the FMS reported a decline in the number of migrants and "rubber" apartments In Russian: .
The exam for migrants simplified by electronic testing In Russian: .
FMS: uncontrolled migration flows to Russia stopped for the first time In Russian: .
Russia: number of migrants from Tajikistan and Uzbekistan is growing, and from Kyrgyzstan - decreases In Russian: .
Foreigners with HIV will not be deported from Russia, if the members of the family live in Russia In Russian: .
Ministry of Labor: the tense situation observed on the labor market in 19 regions In Russian: . |
EAEU estimated number of unemployed in the Union Member States In Russian: .
Issues of migration management in the CIS to discuss in Minsk In Russian: . |
International News
UN demands to open legal channels for migrants In Russian: .
European Commission presents a new EU strategy for migration In Russian: . |
Survival rules of migrant in Russia In Russian: .
Tajikistan: yesterday's guest-worker is today jihadist In Russian: .
Rules of the EAEU: What will give new membership for migrants from Kyrgyzstan? In Russian: .
Which countries the Russians often send remittances? In Russian: .
Babur Tolbaev: Joining the EAEU allow migrants to save $ 1 billion In Russian: .
Inept approach or how to regulate migration In Russian: .
Enough reliable data on remittance flows among specific In Russian: .
Speak in Russian. Radio Almanac In Russian: .
How reduction in remittances from Russia hit the countries of Central Asia? - D.Trilling In Russian: .
Migration deadlock of Tajikistan - D.Zahidi In Russian: .
What we get from Kirghiz joining the EAEU In Russian: .
In Russia, a lot of migrants. Not really In Russian: .
Poor migrant families in Bishkek remain without social support In Russian: .
Migration registration and patent renewal - different things In Russian: .
World migration from stream to the waterfall In Russian: .
Migration Facts and Trends: South-Eastern Europe, Eastern Europe and Central Asia In English: .
National Policy on Labor Migration 2014 In English: .
New Issue of “Your Right. Migration” № 10, May 2015 In Russian: .
Migration and the labor market In Russian: . |