Phone: +996 (312) 915000 ext. 326, 327
Email: tspc@auca.kg
Address: 7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060
Date:油油 June 12 - 25, 2015油
Almaty flooded with illegal migrants 油 Chinese Kazakhs speak their native language, but consider China their home 油 Regional Forum: "International cooperation in the field of migration and emergency preparedness" 油 |
Kyrgyzstan made proposals to address social and labor problems in the CIS 油 Deputy Director of the Eurasian Economic Commission spoke about preferences in the field of migration 油 Living conditions of labor migrants in the EAEU improve
油 Kyrgyz Migrants in Kazakhstan asked the Jogorku Kenesh deputies about employment opportunities at home 油 After joining the EAEU income taxes for the citizens of Kyrgyzstan working in Russia to be 13% instead of 30
油 Number of illegal labor migrants from Kyrgyzstan growing in Turkey 油 Number of Kyrgyz migrant remittances reduced from the beginning of the year 油 Russia made a number of exemptions for migrants from Kyrgyzstan 油 NISI discussed the impact of external labor migration on the welfare of citizens in the Kyrgyz Republic 油 Ministry of Labor proposed the establishment of a public council of members EAEU to discuss migration 油 Damira Niyazalieva: In Kyrgyzstan, every fifth woman dies in childbirth - migrant 油 Migrants from Kyrgyzstan, the most aware of diseases 油 In Moscow, noted the language training of migrants from Kyrgyzstan 油 Regional Conference of Compatriots held in Kyrgyzstan
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Discussion of cooperation issues with the IOM Moscow 油 Decline in remittances adversely affected life in Badakhshan
油 Authorities urge Tajik migrants refrain from dubious persons services 油 Within four months of 2015, Tajik labor migrants sent home $ 615.6 million 油 Tajik Ambassador to the Russian Federation suggested the possibility of a migratory amnesty 油 Cooperation of the ILO and tripartite partners of Tajikistan 油 New Decent Work Country Programme for Tajikistan: Making national policies work for growth, formal employment and development 油 Issues of business support for returning migrants discussed in Dushanbe 油 Tajik migrant workers less traveling to Russia, and more - to Kazakhstan 油 Earnings of labor migrants from Tajikistan fallen by nearly half 油 More than 15,000 people placed in jobs in Tajikistan in Jan-May 油 |
Deputies discussed the creation of jobs in Uzbekistan 油 The Republic of Korea is interested in attracting workers from Uzbekistan 油 Labor migrants returning to Uzbekistan will take a full medical check-up 油 Remittances from Russia to Uzbekistan decreased by almost half 油 |
Russia simplified rules for labor migrants in the Customs Union 油 Russia topped the list of migrants "donors" of Europe 油 President of the RF supported the idea of facilitating the migration regime with Kyrgyzstan 油 State Duma recommended developing of a law on migrants 油 Employers trained to working with legal migrants 油 New medical center for migrants opened in Moscow 油 Number of foreign citizens in Russia - stable 油 Expert: 28-35% of children abandoned in hospitals of Moscow - the children of migrants 油 FMS counted in Russia 10 million migrant workers 油 |
EAEU recognize all degrees of education 油 Russia: volume of remittances to the CIS countries fell by nearly half 油 |
International News
Employed workers in Europe in 2014 transferred to their homeland $109 billion - UN 油 ILO adopted historic labor standard to tackle the informal economy 油 |
Does Russia expect a new wave of labor migrants from Kyrgyzstan? 油 Migrant workers accused Supreme Court judges for corruption 油 Migrants consider profitable to invest in the Russian economy 油 Labor migration and labor-intensive industries in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan 油 Expert: Migrant workers in Russia refuse local forms of Islam 油 UN Foundation issued a strange report on migration and remittances 油 Abandoned wives of migrants: "strong" woman panacea for social ills? 油 What will happen to the pension savings at the exit to relocate to another country? 油 Migrant workers in Kyrgyzstan - the benefits of the EAEU 油 Where do remittances go? 油 Should we fear the radicalization of migrant workers in Russia? 油 Expert: only the most adapted migrants to remain in Russia
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International Dialogue on Migration 24 - Migration and Families 油 Running an Effective Migrant Resource Centre: A Handbook for Practitioners 油 New issue of Your Right. Migration 13, July 2015 油 New issue of "Compatriots" 6, June 2015 油 |
Return Migration, Circular Migration and Social Work: an Emerging Field of Practice 油 Webinar: Migration in Russia 油 Vacancy: External International Expert (IOM) 油 |