Click the current Academic Calendar.
English for Academic Purposes (reading and writing)
This course is intended to prepare non-native English speakers for life in the academic world. The aim of this course is to assist students in developing their reading and writing skills in the English language. The course enables students to delve into written texts, learn to read for both main ideas and details, participate in text-based discussions, develop a strong vocabulary and understanding of sentence structure and flow, and improve their ability to write both academically and creatively. Working both alone and in groups, students will perform various creative and active tasks to allow them to increasingly refine their language and communication skills, developing the ability to comprehend and interpret texts on various topics and aspects of life, as well as to express their own ideas in writing in increasingly complex and sophisticated language.
English for Academic Purposes (listening and speaking)
This course is intended to prepare non-native English speakers for life in the academic world. The aim of this course is to assist students in developing their listening & speaking skills in the English language. The course focuses on the use of listening texts, video, class discussion, and speaking tasks to build students' vocabulary and grammar as used in speech, improve discursive fluency and ability to discuss and comment on new material, and comfort with speaking publically in front of the class.油 Working both alone and in groups, students will perform various creative and active tasks to allow them to increasingly refine their language and communication skills, developing the ability to comprehend and interpret listening texts on various topics and aspects of life, as well as to express their own ideas verbally in increasingly complex and sophisticated language.
Test Preparation (TOEFL/IELTS/SAT)油油
This course introduces the one-year program in Test Preparation and is intended to build the skills necessary for successfully passing the pBT TOEFL test-based AUCA Entrance Exam with your desired score. The course will familiarize you with the overall structure of the test as well as test-taking strategies so that you can feel comfortable and confident in your knowledge and find the test-taking approach that is right for you, allowing you to succeed not only at the TOEFL test but all exams. This course will be based around the core components of the Paper-Based TOEFL Test: Structure and Written Expression, Reading Comprehension, and the Test of Written Expression, with some attention, also paid to the Listening Comprehension component. As this course is meant to help you gain knowledge and confidence, supplementary work on vocabulary and grammar will also be included should the professor deem it necessary or should students require extra practice.油 The Test Preparation course may be extended to the TOEFL iBT, IELTS, and SAT tests and their components based upon student abilities and requirements. The course also includes work on the vocabulary component essential for understanding information of any kind, as well as abilities needed for more effective test-taking and academic activity in any language.
College Mathematics
The course is aimed at preparing the students for the university admission exams.油 It includes an in-depth set of complex comprehensive topics covering the general high school program as well as SAT and GMAT tasks.油 Mastering the skills, principles, and strategies in the framework of the course the students are able to solve problems and tests of various levels of complexity being limited in time during the test.油油
Academic Reading, Writing, and Presentation Skills油
This course is designed to prepare students for the academic writing and research skills necessary to succeed in university-level classes. Students will learn about the purposes of research, how to conduct a literature review, different styles of academic writing, and how to decipher writing prompts in assignments. They will use the research skills they learn to develop their own research question and annotated bibliography in MLA style. Techniques to improve students' writing skills will include students learning paragraph structure, writing essay drafts and giving each other feedback via peer editing processes in class. After completing their final research paper, they will practice translating their research into an academic presentation format, learning and practicing basic presentation skills in order to share their work with a university-level audience.
Oral Expressions for Academic Contexts
This course is designed to prepare students for active oral participation in university-level classes. Students will learn key phrases for expressing opinions and contributing to discussions. The course will increasingly expect students to structure questions and responses to controversial topics as they learn language and mechanisms for best doing this in a learning environment. The course will cover basic structures of public speaking, focusing on speaking with the intent to inform and/or persuade. Students will also learn to listen actively in order to ask thoughtful follow-up questions. Lastly, the course seeks to develop skills in students so that they feel comfortable drawing connections between disciplines and articulating their thoughts with confidence in academic conversations.
The Practice of Speech Communication
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