
AI用丗算然 - AUCA - News


Results: 149

AUCA coordinates the elaboration of land degradation indicators in the Kyrgyz Republic
On 19 December 2017油 at the conference-room of the Ministry of agriculture, processing industry and melioration was successfully held the final seminar of the Project on development of land degradation neutrality (LDN) indicators.
The Project was implemented thanks to support from the UNDP Office in the Kyrgyz Republic, Secretariat of the United Nations Convention on Combatting Desertification and GIZ.
Aim of the Project was to elaborated national indicators of the land degradation neutrality.油油油
Villagers will be provided financial assistance worth more than 20,000 in the framework of TSPC AUCA project
TSPC AUCA in partnership with CAMP Ala-Too in the framework of Project on adaptation to climate change in rural areas funded by Volkswagen Foundation conducted four-day trainings in two communities of Chui oblast: Kuntuu and Boroldoi villages in Sokuluk and Kemin districts respectively. Based on the results of these trainings, local communities formulated five project proposals on most acute water-related problems in their locality.油
Results of the Photo contest Migrants: An Invisible Force in Central Asia
There results of the photo contest "Migrants: Invisible Force in Central Asia" were summarized at the AI用丗算然 (AUCA) in a solemn atmosphere on the eve of 26 September 2017. The competition was held in two categories - among professional photographers and among students throughout the region.
Both winners in the student category are from Kyrgyzstan: 1st winner - Almazbek Duishebaev, AUCA student; 2nd winner - Rakhat Sagynbek kyzy, student of the Kyrgyz State Medical Academy.
TSPC AUCA has developed a unique methodology to monitor any law
Tian-Shan Policy Center AUCA researchers Tatyana Zlobina, Asyl Balybaeva and Natalya Dolinskaya have elaborated a methodology to monitor implementation of KR laws on a commission by International Organization for Migration (IOM).
Methodology is so much unified that it can be used to only by noncommercial organization within the country, but by state bodies aiming to monitor implementation of any laws.
AUCA TSPC has developed and implemented an educational course on migration
AUCA was one of the first universities in Kyrgyzstan that developed and launched a migration training course for its students entitled "Migration and Development". The two-year pilot course at AUCA proved its effectiveness.
In 2017 it is planned, in agreement with the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic, to offer this course for reading in other higher educational institutions of the republic - not only in Bishkek, but also in the regions.
IOM CA & TSPC AUCA: PhotoStory Project Deadline May 10, 2017
IOM Central Asia in partnership with TSPC (AUCA) is launching PhotoStory Project Migrants: An Invisible Force in Central Asia.
The project include two elements: photography and story writing and油invites AI用丗算然 Students and Artists/Photographers (citizens of Central Asia) to submit photographs.
The theme aims to draw attention and stimulate dialogue around the theme of migration through powerful photography, story writing and open discussions with government and non-government stakeholders, societies and communities.
TSPC AUCA will hold a round table on the results of the external monitoring and comparative analyses of the work of Jogorku Kenesh
Tian-Shan Policy Center under the American AI用丗算然 in Central Asia in cooperation and with support of the OSCE Center in Bishkek will hold a round table on December 2, 2016 on the results of the external monitoring and comparative analyses of the work of Jogorku Kenesh.
Representatives of Jogorku Kenesh, international organizations, civil society and academia will take part in the round table.
Monitoring and evaluation of the effective implementation of the Kyrgyz Republic laws should be conducted along with the proactive engagement of public authorities
TianShan Policy Center under the AI用丗算然 (TSPC AUCA) in cooperation and with the support of International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Kyrgyz Republic conducted one-day training seminars in Balykchi and Osh cities.
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Phone: +996 (312) 915000 ext. 326, 327


Address: 7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060



7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street
Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060

Tel.: +996 (312) 915000 + xt.
Fax: +996 (312) 915 028

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