Американский Университет в Центральной Азии - АУЦА - Программы для студентов

Программы для студентов

Эта программа специально разработана для новой группы афганских студентов NGA, самой крупной в истории АУЦА. Поскольку студенты прибыли только в феврале 2020 года, некоторые мероприятия по гражданскому участию пришлось перенести на более поздний срок в этом месяце. 17 февраля 2020 года состоялась вводная встреча студентов с сотрудниками ЦОУ и госпожой Эрин Каннан, деканом по гражданскому участию и заместителем директора Bard CCE.

В начале марта студенты познакомились с основами управления жизненным циклом проектов и их реализации на семинаре "Управление проектами", который был проведен сотрудниками ЦОУ совместно со специалистом по мониторингу и оценке госпожой Адемой Джолдошбековой. В период самоизоляции и карантина, начиная с середины марта, афганские студенты были записаны на два онлайн-курса по гражданскому участию и женскому лидерству на платформе Coursera. Мы планируем продолжать работу со студентами, чтобы помочь им реализовать свои первые проекты как в Кыргызстане, так и в Афганистане.

Student Initiative Development Program (SIDP) was introduced at the AI» in 2015 as a part-time program supported by Bard College. In 2017 the Program went full-time.

The purpose of SIDP is to develop leadership potential and professional skills among students, supporting them in the implementation of their civic engagement initiatives through consultation, individual mentorship, and different trainings and workshops.

The program provides AUCA students to develop their Civic Engagement Culture and increase Sense of Agency as well as create their own projects, hold ownership and build leadership skills.

The Elm Forest Project

French-Kyrgyz Association of Ecotourism (AFKE) is partnering with AUCA CCE and City Hall of Bishkek to develop and protect Karagachevaya Rosha. It is shrinking in its size, and the park soil and water are polluted due to human negligence.

The project aims to save the remaining green space in the park, ensure the park’s sustainable development, and attract people to environmental protection of the urban greenery. All students regardless of their field of study are encouraged to get involved in the development of the park. The students can apply for SIDP (Student Initiative Development Program) funding and start their projects or serve the community as volunteers. ССE continues to support this important project facilitating students and faculty in their efforts to engage within the project site.

Youth in Action

The “Youth in Action” online course was a monthly program for activists from 16 to 28 ages that aimed at teaching them how to solve problems of the local community in cooperation with the government.

The “Youth in Action” started on April 28, 2020, and helped students organize an initiative group, gain knowledge on how to solve problems in the form of letters to local or any administrative authorities, have a full understanding of civic engagement and elements of civic responsibility, how to prioritize problems and how to monitor them, how to conduct polls and negotiations. Overall, our program participants were able to acquire social and technical skills.

Ashar Day of Engagement

Half-a-day event organized by our Center to introduce students to civic engagement activities and opportunities at AUCA.

Our Students

7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street
Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic720060

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