Phone: +996 (312) 915000 ext. 326, 327
Email: tspc@auca.kg
Address: 7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060
June 7, 2013
On June 3-4, 2013, the Tian Shan Policy Center (TSPC) at the AIÍÑÒ»»Á³, together with the "Resource Centre for the Elderly” Public Association hosted the International Conference on Best Practices in Protecting Labor Migrants’ Rights and Perspectives of their Application in Kyrgyzstan.
The Conference brought together experts both from the Government and international organizations, educational institutions, NGOs and think tanks from Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Russia and the United States to discuss the best international practices in the field of labor migrants’ rights implementation. The Conference was aimed at supporting stakeholders in their efforts to develop mechanisms for the implementation of best practices in Kyrgyzstan, and facilitating the discussion and formulation of concrete recommendations on reforming and managing migration processes in Kyrgyzstan and developing a new Government strategy for labor migration in particular.
In the framework of the Conference, the NTS television channel broadcasted a special video-report "The Nomads" in its "Situation" Program on Saturday, June 1, 2013. This report reflected on the challenges of migration and was to serve some food for thought for the Conference participants. The story line had been commissioned by TSPC.
The International Conference was held within the framework of TSPC’s project " Protecting the Rights of Kyrgyz Migrants: Utilizing Policy Analysis, Public Outreach, and Stakeholder Dialogue to Mobilize Action toward Reform, 2012-2014”, with support from the Central Eurasia Program of the Open Society Foundations, as well as the regional offices of the Danish Church Aid and ICCO that represent ACT Alliance.
Tian Shan Policy Center (TSPC, http://auca.kg/en/tspc/), is a think-tank center of the AIÍÑÒ»»Á³ and it specializes in research and analysis of effective public policies for the communities of Central Asia.
The "Resource Centre for the Elderly” Public Association (RCE, ) has been in the sphere of social support and protection of the elderly population of Kyrgyzstan for more than 21 years, using an integrated approach to the problems of the older generation. Since 2012, the RCE has been implementing its project on the "Promotion of the Rights of the Families Affected by Migration” aimed at providing vulnerable families that depend on migration with access to social services and economic opportunities.